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Everything posted by Crywolf

  1. awe, sorry I'm late but happy birthday ya beaut
  2. I don't like any of these artists, I guess I should give them all a listen sometime. The article is well done btw, thought I was on buzzfeed for .2 seconds
  3. still pressed that INHA isn't out but this lame cover is
  4. yeah idk apparently people can't read Kill: Mitch (ugh I don't really wanna kill myself but there are sACRIFICES WE HAVE TO MAKE) Fuck: Countess (for obvious reasons ) Marry: Trayertrash (see you in may, booboo) KFM: Shamir, Marina Diamandis, Sky Ferreira
  5. Kill - Rodney Dangerfiel Fuck - Pauly Shore Marry - Steve Martin (Only for the money tho) KFM: Nicole Dollanganger, Amanda Bynes, Peaches
  6. I also agree, you look really cute!
  7. thought I'd say hi and remind you that you're a beautiful person

    1. trayertrash


      Aww :blush: I miss you Mitchy! 

    2. Crywolf


      I miss you too! ;) I have a low-key surprise for you :D

  8. Most definitely
  9. I guess I've changed a bit.
  13. Are you going to buy a copy? I'm gonna buy a billion copies
  14. IDK how I even found this forum, I stumbled upon it one day and was like hmm seems interesting and that was that, now y'all gotta deal wit me so...love me
  15. I'm not necessarily a fan of her but I love that she's standing up against the twat
  16. Did life take hold? I definitely know the feeling. I'll pm you about it but yeah, life definitely took hold of a lot of things
  17. I'm here Welcome back again gorgeous, you always have a home here to come back to! awe thanks, I'm SWEAR I'm not going to disappear again y'all ain't getting rid of me that easy
  18. I feel bad kinda, but at the same time...new bitch, new dick get it gurl
  19. omg i leave for a couple of months and all this happens never leaving again
  20. Thanks! Sorry but not sorry for your loss 'cause you have me Hmm, Cypher should buy me CD singles not for flop artists but still. CYPHER COME LOVE ME AND YAS MO U FINALLY GOT DAT GREEN CARD GURL I'M PROUD, now come to Canada and ditch trayer ok Cypher is only allowed to buy flop artists & Gaga. Don't try to take that from him Why don't you use move in with all of us? #orgies FUCK YEAH, I'm down
  21. Thanks! Sorry but not sorry for your loss 'cause you have me Hmm, Cypher should buy me CD singles not for flop artists but still. CYPHER COME LOVE ME AND YAS MO U FINALLY GOT DAT GREEN CARD GURL I'M PROUD, now come to Canada and ditch trayer ok
  22. I apologize for leaving for a while, I had a lot to deal with and I needed time to myself away from everything for a bit. I've been trying to catch up on everything that people are posting and the events that are happening on here. I missed you all so much, I hope all has been well! If there's anything pertinent that I need to catch up on feel free to tell me (including gossip for my personal pleasure). BE WARNED THAT I WILL BE ON HERE RELIGIOUSLY TO KEEP Y'ALL HOES IN LINE just kidding but still. Mo, I'll be donating to the site in decent amounts every two weeks to help you out with maintaining the immaculate status of this forum Love you all
  23. I'm gonna buy it for you and send you it
  24. mine is blatantly my name, I wish mine was interesting like you guys
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