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Everything posted by Crywolf

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  6. i thought so too tbh
  7. I'm just gonna assume EPs count as well so.... The Darcys - Centerfold Frank Ocean - Blonde Bear Mountain - Badu Terror Jr - Bop City Blackbear - Cashmere Noose EP Edit: I forgot: Cruel Youth - 30+mg Beyonce - Lemonade
  8. I think it may or may not be more than that, but it's not my business.
  9. I don't think this has anything to do with her career, she's making her own choices for her body. Good for her.

  11. themitchtuckerr
  12. i couldn't decide which one to get so I just pre-ordered both. fuck me up.
  13. your talents message me ya beaut
  14. I'm not posting this to invalidate any feelings or emotions, but you guys need to privately discuss this. Calling each other "faggots" and "bitches" is obviously not the best form of conflict resolution and is ultimately distasteful. Triggers are nothing to mess around with so I understand your frustration but in the same vein, you've called another member a "hoarding fat ass cunt" and is not okay in the slightest. Yes, faggot is a word that is triggering to me as well, as it may be for many other homosexuals but you deal with these matters privately. All I'd love you guys to do is perhaps take this conversation elsewhere because this thread is not for childish "dragging" or drama. As I previously mentioned, there is a messaging option and it is there for a reason. Take these playground conversations into your inbox and save other members from this counter-productive banter.
  15. can you guys please calm down? this doesn't concern me in the slightest but it is a concern when the public is seeing this mess and having to read or even glance at a conversation that should be private. bring this conversation elsewhere. we cannot be bothered with this. There's a messaging option idk if you guys know about that, but there's that alternative.
  16. leak 'em boo
  17. i'm predicting girl that got away tbh
  18. you're so fucking talented. also, here's your hourly reminder that you're gorgeous.
  19. I second this. I'm fucking pissed.
  20. "He used to call me DM, That stood for Deaf Molester."

    1. Hawks


      Thank You Very Much! <3 

  22. anytime pal
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