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Zaza last won the day on May 7 2022

Zaza had the most liked content!

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  1. New release: Sweet Misery The Spirit Room 20th Anniversary Edition is to be released in March. New solo album is called „The Trouble with Fever“ and set for a early summer 2022 release. A new The Wreckers recording after. Oh, and she’ll give birth to her third child in early 2022. What a busy *****! Who‘s joining the virtual concert tonight?
  2. Michelle is re-releasing her debut album „The Spirit Room“ for its 20th anniversary! It will be a double album, including the original recording and a re-recording of which „You Get Me“ will be out this Friday the 13th! ??
  3. I wonder if there are any fans beside me on this forum? I am kind of tired asking in different topics about her stuff I have a nice collection of her material and I’d like to discuss with others.
  4. I love this thread already ♥️
  5. Plus the album she started to record before she met Patrick and started working on Hopeless Romantic. Songs from that album leaked, for example One Night, Lie to Me or Losing Game, also Gravity and Walk Again.
  6. Every day is XCX Mass. i don’t believe in Gaga Mass just because that ASIB song and an old snippet leaked
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