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Everything posted by trashmagic

  1. Why would Britney have a completely different type of lawyer (Matthew Rosengart) for divorce proceedings? Some of you make no sense.
  2. Agreed. TMZ and DeuxMoi are a crock of shit.
  3. I don't know any Britney fan who has ever supported TMZ, so I'm not sure where you're getting this idea from.
  4. I mean, it's not hard to join the dots together, especially considering he recently did an interview with them about his steps "post-Britney." It's interesting how they'd get all these stories about her whereabouts and incidents involving her when she was with Sam. But now they've divorcing, it seems they've got no fresh news at all. I wonder what happened to their source? 🤔
  5. Through TMZ.
  6. And yet, these are the same people a few years ago talking about "we did Britney so wrong in 2007 :((" It's utter hypocrisy!
  7. 1) He claimed Britney cheated on him, despite her very rarely leaving the house and paparazzi ALWAYS finding out when she does. Highly doubtful to have happened. 2) He then claimed she cheated on him with one of the household staff members, which is, again, very doubtful. 3) Then, he claimed Britney assaulted him in her sleep and is "obsessed with knives." Again, this doesn't add up since the photos of him bruised were actually following martial arts training he did. 4) A few women have come out accusing Scam of sexual assault and of cheating on Britney during their marriage. Even Scam's friends/family members have spoken publicly about him being a bad person. 5) Plenty of odd stories leaked to TMZ and the press, which seem to have come in-house. Add 2 and 2 together, and the conclusion that Scam is the source seems to be reliable. 6) Britney is known to have a good relationship with Page Six and has previously shared other news with them first. They recently shared that Britney felt controlled by Scam in the relationship. Ironic that it's okay for people to speculate about other celebs' relationships, but when it comes to Britney, people are "cuckoo?" Hmm.
  8. It's not real, someone just posted it on dbree. To start with, the original title for Music to Watch Boys To was Pink Flamingoes. And Lana isn't the type of artist to release a 20 track album, she's always been a 11-16 track kinda artist.
  9. Do you...understand anything about the world? You are greedy. Most older artists get nowhere near the number of leaks Madonna has. Look at Kylie, Madonna, Cher - hell even Britney has had very few leaks the last few years. Madonna has had a huge number of leaks, whereas most of these artists have had just a handful of leaks, barring Kylie and the X demo CD. One of the reasons we have such few leaks from these artists is because most of their music came during the early stages of the Internet. Back then, the only way you'd get leaks from artists like this is if someone from the team actually leaked the tracks themselves. It was almost impossible to get song leaks back then. Nowadays, with the Internet, fans can fake being producers to get songs, or hack Google Drive accounts to get access to the songs, or a number of other ways. Someone like Bebe has worked with a ton of different producers, so it's a lot easier for fans to get their hands on her material. Same with Demi, Dua, Charli, Lana etc. For older artists, a lot of their songs remain with the producers/team because they've never put them online for fans to have access to. Madonna is nowhere near "behind in terms of good leaks" - and even if she were, what the hell does that have to do with her?
  10. Then that just means your greedy, because most artists got nowhere near the number of leaks as Madonna in recent years.
  11. But it's not one real new song. Even if you discount the demo tape, Jitterbug, and Angels With Dirty Faces, we still got You'll Stay, Never Love a Stranger, and I'll Be Gone. All three of these are entirely new songs. Just because you may have had them before or because you think the other leaks aren't good enough doesn't mean they don't exist.
  12. But you can't claim "nothing leaked," then change it "nothing noteworthy." Whether you like the leaks or not is your opinion - but you cannot deny that we have had a wealth of Madonna leaks since 2015. Not a single one of the tracks I listed leaked prior to 2015 - regardless of whether you claim to have had them before (which I highly doubt). Clearly, you're not a real Madonna fan, since The Rain Tapes and the Ray of Light CD were some of the most coveted items since we first knew about them in the 90s/00s.
  13. I'm happy to! No Running in the City (Acoustic) Hear Me (Acoustic) Simon Says (Acoustic) Love Express (Acoustic) Unknown Song (Take #1) Unknown Song (Take #2) Angels With Dirty Faces Jitterbug You'll Stay Never Love a Stranger I'll Be Gone Funny Game On top of these songs, there are multiple demos of tracks with new vocals, new lyrics, and new instrumentation. Many reliable sources have confirmed them as legit; indeed, one of them actually crowdfunded the demo CDs and shared them. Even the people who originally worked with Madonna in 1979 confirmed the demo tape as real, while Pat Leonard himself shared Angels With Dirty Faces. I have no idea why you're so determined to argue with facts, but each to their own!
  14. You know, it's okay to admit you're wrong. The Rain Tapes leaked in 2021. It doesn't matter if you got them before then - they leaked publicly in 2021. The Ray of Light demo assembly is absolutely real, since we've known about it for a few years. It has demos with new lyrics and completely new tracks, so I'm not sure why you think it's fake. Similarly, the Confessions tape also had new vocals with new lyrics as well. Again, just because you've been out of the loop doesn't mean stuff hasn't leaked. Because it has.
  15. No we didn't? We got the Ray of Light demo CD and the Erotica Rain Tapes within the last two years. We also got another Confessions demo CD and plenty of other demos over the last few years. Not sure where you've been, but you've missed out on a lot.
  16. A Melanie Martinez stan?! On my PHF?!
  17. Never Love a Stranger
  18. Has to Be (Demo 1)
  19. Flirtation Dance and Frozen (Demo) have leaked!
  20. Yes, they are exactly the same.
  21. Terrific album - bop after bop! The videos were brilliant too. Hold It Against Me is up there as one of her best, particularly because of all the symbolism. t's a shame she was so checked out during this era though.
  22. thanks! Please can you post the decryption key to download the snippets?
  23. Oh wow thanks! Do you have any ideas on what eras the leaked unreleased songs are from (Worst Way, for example)? There’s a lot of them, and I’m not too sure how to categorise them lol.
  24. Yeah, though I'm not too sure on its authenticity. I can upload it if you want?
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