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CloneX2 last won the day on March 4 2020

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  1. Been using this guide to try seperate the unreleased. But having trouble knowing where to put some of the tracks. even if it is rough I have categorised them to 2003-2007 (Trouble Era) 2018-2012 2013 (EPIC Era) 2014-2016 (Bombastic Era) 2017-2021 Does anyone know where I can put the unkown list? *Blow My Mind Brutally Honest Coca Cola Superstar *Demolition Man Don't Hurt It (feat. DEV) How To Love (feat. Robin Thicke) *I Like It Hot Laws of Love Lemonade Love Is A Game Moonlight (feat. Bonnie McKee) *Never Say Forever Now or Never (Demo) Now Or Never Paper Paradise Ready or Not *Romantic Rage *RSVP Say Sayonara Shallow Sick Somebody (Demo) Sparkles Stranded *Sugar Rush Tanlines Word Up (feat. Bonnie McKee) *already listed in the unknown section of the guide.
  2. I don't really like Hot City as an album title. She could have chosen so many better names for the hype these songs have. If related to Hot City she could have called it Rebel in the Dark. SLAY would have been a good album title. or a play on tht would be Technicolor which woulda been great for the merch and different coloured variations. but a better name for the album would have been something like EPIC to be sassy with the title linking it to the past. even a Vault related title would have been alright. like From The Vault.
  3. I feel like Forever21 woulda leaked if the hype for it wasn’t there.
  4. American Girl as the title makes the most sense seeing as it’s the lead single. And we would always say, ‘The Bombastic Album’ referencing 2015 I dunno how Electric Heaven became a popular title. And then a few call it somebody’s gonna get hurt.
  5. DGMGF is a good album title. She sort of highlights that in Breaking Bonnie in like the first episode or something. Explaining how the story of her past and her future as a popstar are transitioning. So she may have even called the album that if it happened.
  6. I love that whole concept, he did an amazing amazing job with that but the bright colourful photoshoot for American Girl era brings me away from this being for that album. I would like this dark one for the other Epic tracks so there is another album. I hope he does a bombastic album with that retro pink hair photoshoot too.
  7. OMG Thank You. IT Looks AmazeBallz!!!
  8. Looks great. While we wait for the final leaks Whatabout the rest of the era's needing album names, tracklists and cover arts haha. Omg just read the last bit. That would be amazing!!
  9. Who was the one that had the Google Drive and was going to upload their whole collection? I only saw the Electric Heaven part of the drive. Did the rest get dropped in the drive? Is there a link to watch?
  10. Yes I agree, I have been trying but getting nowhere with it. I was just trying to get a rough list as a shortcut for a stan to work on.
  11. I was confused about that too. I think I read back a few messages that the other Lovespell hasn't leaked
  12. Same, I hope so too.. But just going on how many leaks we have been getting while its hot topic. And the ones circulating have been leaking. it would be cruel to leak everything but that one track that seems to be the holy grail. If noone said anything and Hot City was the Holy Grail, I bet we woulda had Forever21 by now lol.
  13. hahaha Yes.. ikyktik But not really a fan of Rebellion. However I feel like the leakers are watching and making that the last to leak. It wont be a rebellion. just hope it is not too much further away. she has been leaking al week so why stop now tbh? I don't usually have positive thinking but when ya do ya do.
  14. people on here or discord were saying she knows and saying to stop leaking or she wont release anything. but she has had forever to release the album so it is getting released for her pretty much hahha. The Gays have had enough of waiting hahaha
  15. Just watched Breaking Bonnie for the first time. In the first episode she uses the Don't Get Mad Get Famous as tagline. That woulda been a good way of titling the album, hiding it in plain sight from the fans. I cant believe there was all of this and no album. Explains why she's annoyed the tracks leaked
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