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  1. If anyone has any of the 12 new leaks please can you dm me a link xxxxx
  2. I am Unsure where the new generation and dropping the current line up came from. do we have sources? I think Nicole releasing some sort of statement to clear things up would be ideal. I am unsure if she did this? It would stop people like me just going off headlines and articles online. Regardless my ass is yet to see a show and yet to be offered a refund whilst all this is happening. I also think Nicole ISNT the band. people really downplay how valid and known Jessica, Ashley, Kimberley and Carmit are. The audience dont vibe with Nicole as a solo artist and there is already a public thought that Nicole is somewhat of a diva. She needs the other girls and PCD. Its a shame because on Xfactor she was funny af 'Balls!'. Didn't know the Tiffany - Girlicious thing. Shocking! In terms of Carmit- in an interview she said she wanted to do a movie but it conflicted with Doll Domination so she had to pick and ended up out of the band. What a shame. Either way the pcd is losing steam currently
  3. I have a ticket for this show hahaha - they have literally stopped sending updates at this point. I would prefer if Nicole didnt do the tour now. But I know for a lot of people they would be going to see her. so if she doesnt tour they could lose alot. Personally I was never going to see her anyway - it was Carmit the legend, Kimberly the role model and Ashley the glamazon for me. Throw Melody in and drop Nicole. See how she fairs without the girls. Dont see a Nicole tour happening anytime soon
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