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Everything posted by Impesta

  1. Rasputina, the goddesses of Cello Rock. So many songs from them I want to post, but here is probably the most popular: BCQqDIO5J8k
  2. And here I thought I was the only person who loved her album. She is amazing and I wish she would do more, especially with Puscifer. Their collabs are always amazing. She has such a beautiful voice and unique way of singing. I used to have a bunch of her stuff but then my computer decided to crash I will have to hit up that Mega
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantalus I'm gonna guess this is what it's about and this makes me ever more excited to hear it
  4. Can't forget Witches of East End. I'm still upset they cancelled that so abruptly.
  5. Jane Fonda Cats or Dogs?
  6. This will be amazing, can't wait for it to come out!! BT is a genius Wl6XNAACHYg
  7. Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it. I'm seriously tempted to buy it. If he's nude in one of the pictures you can 100% count me in. Haha unfortunately he's not. I could always ask him, but that might makes things awkward between us He looks really cute in them though and it's a good album Go on, take one for the team and persuade him for the rest of us! I am tempted as I've had a crush on him ever since we became friends but...
  8. I'm seriously tempted to buy it. If he's nude in one of the pictures you can 100% count me in. Haha unfortunately he's not. I could always ask him, but that might makes things awkward between us He looks really cute in them though and it's a good album
  9. Here's a pretty cool documentary on Black Metal Trailer: Sr_RaCM-1ug Movie: 0l5Hbu_Fm9s
  10. The Deluxe version is now available same link Comes with Acoustic tracks and pictures
  11. I like this thanks! Yeah I definitely put everything under the umbrella of EDM. I know people love to fight over it, but it's all part of the same genre in my opinion. haha I can totally understand that. Some of it can definitely be really cheesy. House is awesome for sure
  12. pev0dINRaok 7LXyOpa18qY jDyvClUsCJU Here are some more
  13. Yeah he's an awesome guy
  14. Apparently she's only cancelled two dates so far so hopefully you'll be okay! Worst comes to worst she can just do a 'Yoü and I' and perform in a wheelchair. That's what I'm hoping. She hasn't been doing anything too strenuous dance wise anyway from what I hear
  15. Not sure why I haven't shared these two ladies yet, but better late than never. First up, we have JES. Huge among the scene, she scored a massive hit with the song As The Rush Comes (if you haven't heard it, get your life and do so now:) tO9gT0zwWl0 Here's her most recent single: MpOV6zdhKVI And some of my favorites: yYpln9v5PU4 RuKTt-fBcvY DjH9hAJeFYA Next, we have Emma Hewitt. Voted the Best Voice in Trance several times, here are some of my favorites from her: BicDOam1tUg hgpCYxNc58U uNdK4NJSWKU JBb2BZMMRb0 So much more from both of them, but I don't want to fangirl too much Hope you enjoy
  16. I'm supposed to see her on the 9th I'm gonna be so upset if she cancels it :'(
  17. I own it, I love it!! One of Dennis Hoppers best roles ever Slay queen! I watched ten minutes in class but I wanna go back and rewatch the whole thimg, it looks so good. It's so good!! Who doesn't love a little drug-infused S&M?
  18. I own it, I love it!! One of Dennis Hoppers best roles ever
  19. YASSSSS AT THREE OUT OF FIVE OF OUR CHOICES! Hew at the other two? Pretty sure you're talking about eye candy and outsourced. Eye Candy was a mtv show, basically victoria justice trying to find a killer from tinder Outsourced was a stupid comedy that i loved They sound interesting! I've added like every show here to my list of things to watch so I'll dump both of those on there as well I guess. A Veronica Mars reboot would be AMAZING. Although apparently whatever network House of Lies is on isn't letting Kristen do it because she's the face of that show now and they don't want it interfering with filming. I would love for them to bring it back on Netflix tho! I've never heard of Carnivale! But I totally agree that shows ending early 100% adds to the nostalgic and cult value of the show. I'd definitely add My So-Called Life to the list of shows which ended abruptly but which I don't necessarily want to come back. As for Twin Peaks tho, I tried to get into that series last year but I definitely thought it was totally overhyped. Not really that excited for the reboot anymore although it's good for the fans. Carnivale was brilliant!! I highly recommend it Yeah Twin Peaks definitely isn't for everyone haha. I love it though. I think it is amazing. I'm a huge David Lynch fan and love everything he does. Ohh, don't get me wrong, I like Lynch as well! Mullholland Drive slays my entire existence! I just felt like Twin Peaks wasn't his best work and for me it lacked a lot of the absurdist qualities he's known for? I never watched the second season tho so not sure if it gets better. Oh hell, first season was the best! haha. Second season is when it started falling apart because Lynch left to do Lost Highway or something, but he came back and ended it perfectly. Fire Walk With Me is brilliant as well, though most people didn't like it cause it was darker than the show, but I love it for that reason. I could go on and on with my love for TP but I don't want to get too fangirl. I honestly think it's one of his best things ever
  20. YASSSSS AT THREE OUT OF FIVE OF OUR CHOICES! Hew at the other two? Pretty sure you're talking about eye candy and outsourced. Eye Candy was a mtv show, basically victoria justice trying to find a killer from tinder Outsourced was a stupid comedy that i loved They sound interesting! I've added like every show here to my list of things to watch so I'll dump both of those on there as well I guess. A Veronica Mars reboot would be AMAZING. Although apparently whatever network House of Lies is on isn't letting Kristen do it because she's the face of that show now and they don't want it interfering with filming. I would love for them to bring it back on Netflix tho! I've never heard of Carnivale! But I totally agree that shows ending early 100% adds to the nostalgic and cult value of the show. I'd definitely add My So-Called Life to the list of shows which ended abruptly but which I don't necessarily want to come back. As for Twin Peaks tho, I tried to get into that series last year but I definitely thought it was totally overhyped. Not really that excited for the reboot anymore although it's good for the fans. Carnivale was brilliant!! I highly recommend it Yeah Twin Peaks definitely isn't for everyone haha. I love it though. I think it is amazing. I'm a huge David Lynch fan and love everything he does.
  21. The new Chelsea Wolfe single is here and it's awesome!! pvbJY2CjrUI
  22. No problem I tried posting this yesterday and it got eaten by internet demons, but here are some records that you might enjoy, if you haven't heard them already. Let me know if you need help hearing them. John Cale - Sun Blindness Music EN - Silence is Sexy Whitehouse - Racket Tormentor - Anno Domini Vagina Dentata Organ - The Perpignan Killings The Birthday Party - Junkyard Slugfuckers - Cacophany (Compilation) Enjoy Thanks!! I will look these up. I'm excited to find another person of my musical taste persuasion I have Silence is Sexy love that album
  23. Carnivale. That show ended way too abruptly and soon. Although it does make it even better in a way. On the reverse, I'm kind of disappointed that they are doing Twin Peaks, even though it was one of the greatest shows ever to be on television. I just don't see them going anywhere with it that will be good. Who knows though. It could be amazing.
  24. I love sad songs here are some of my favorites G_f6SoDDGAA _qu7wdUPnas k8EcFfZ2VkI XwsJlUdklmk
  25. ltm Awesome!! Thanks for the reply EN are amazing. I love the more noise stuff. I have their symbol tattooed on my inner left wrist I need to listen to more of them honestly. i only have a few albums. Plague Mass is one of her best for sure. Defixiones is probably my favorite. I've never heard of Vader I will have to look them up. I only have 1 RC album haha. I need to listen to them more. I've actually never listened to John Cale's stuff just what he's done with others. I love his discordant approach to things.
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