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Everything posted by Impesta

  1. I don't like any of these haha but I'm not a fan of any of them except Miley, and even then only Bangerz. Dead Petz was a mess and I couldn't make it through the whole thing, I need to give it another try I guess.
  2. hahaha exactly! That's why i love them
  3. So I'm way late to this but Everyday I'm Drinking by Little Big cause who doesn't love drunk Russians especially midgets :hail:
  4. #tbt to when I saw Britney
  5. I got lots of treats. An insane amount haha. a gift card to Sbucks and a gift card to Barnes and Noble which I've already spent almost all of it on 2 David Lynch blu-rays and some cash. Not too bad. Trying to save up for a Kickstarter that I'm excited for so any way I can save spending money is a plus
  6. Bionic is probably my favorite album of hers I would love something similar, but it sadly went nowhere so probably not. I'm excited to see what direction she goes in now. That's cool she's doing a spanish album again. Should be interesting.
  7. She debuted 10 songs and here are two full performances. New album soon hopefully!! https://youtu.be/Ep89J3-tEGM
  8. That Beatport position is huge news, congrats to him! I love the sound of the track too, DJ Xquizit is a big deal! Thanks! It's definitely not his normal style but I am so happy for him. Especially since his last Kickstarter didn't do anything. I'm hoping this will help him to release his next album. He's been working really hard on it. He recently got married as well. So lot's of good things going for him this year. Awww, good for him! But yeah, I don't think I know of any smaller act who's actually had a Kickstarter work for them...:stretcher: They seem to only work for tech opportunities and stuff. Very true! I have a few friends that have done stuff that hasn't gone well and another one that just barely funded. It's a tricky game.
  9. That Beatport position is huge news, congrats to him! I love the sound of the track too, DJ Xquizit is a big deal! Thanks! It's definitely not his normal style but I am so happy for him. Especially since his last Kickstarter didn't do anything. I'm hoping this will help him to release his next album. He's been working really hard on it. He recently got married as well. So lot's of good things going for him this year.
  10. So he has a song currently in the top 30 on Beatport, and if you could give it a listen here: https://soundcloud.com/djxquizit/dj-xquizit-ft-tim-hilberts-first-to-go-soniq-state-remix-asot-729-asot-730-ff and then if you like it get it here: https://pro.beatport.com/track/first-to-go-feat-tim-hilberts-soniq-state-remix/7065906 I would really appreciate it. I want him to go far Thanks!
  11. I hope so, but it's hard when she was already straying away from the pop jams she's known for before this whole incident occurred. Miley can get away with it because she was at the peak of her career for Dead Petz, but I don't think Kesh will have as much luck. Pfft. Dead Petz only got recognition for it's name and for the fact that she was the most talked about person because of Nicki at the time. You're a mess. Nicki hasn't even had any publicity since 'Anaconda', while Miley is in the news every week for one drug related incident or another. If anything, it's Miley giving Nicki a leg up. But Luke's career has totally gone downhill as well. Back in 2013 before the whole scandal had been publicised, he had four #1 hits. Since then he hasn't had any. I agree that Nicki is trying to ride on Miley's fame. That whole MTV beef was stupid and pointless and I'm glad that she just blew it off like "Whatever bitch." I think music in general has gone down, not just his career and hers.
  12. http://noisey.vice.com/blog/kesha-slut-shaming-and-the-tyranny-of-pop-music-patriarchy?utm_source=idfbus
  13. I don't think it will kill her career. Her fans will still be here when she can finally release music again. This is just a little bump in the road. She'll be fine.
  14. The progenitors of Industrial are still at it: http://cargorecordsdirect.co.uk/products/carter-tutti-void-f-x
  15. Ugh, to be honest I'm so over the Johnny + Tim combo. They really peeked with Sweeney Todd and everything since then has just been a disappointment. Plus, I don't want Mary herself to be sidelined to a supporting character and Bert to become the star of the show like what happened in Alice in Wonderland. That said, an Anne and Tim collab could be good, but only if Johnny wasn't attached to the movie. I did love Anne in Alice, she was perfect. I do agree that the amazing combination that Tim and Johnny once were has been gone for a long time now sadly. Oh well.
  16. It was a huge letdown but watching Angelina act with her kid was absolutely adorable and heart melting. Plus she's always flawless in everything she does. I don't think they should make a sequel though.
  17. I saw a poster before this was announced that showed Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp as the stars and done by Burton and I nearly died. I hope this happens, especially since his Maleficent never did. Although his Alice was a let down. Anne would do a great job.
  18. I agree. Clearly the hologram of the Live Nation executive board is just money hungry at this point. <3
  19. Impesta

    I Am My Hair

    Just barely seeing this and I can absolutely relate to so many things. Hope things are much better now for you. Life's a bitch. Music is the best therapy
  20. If i knew how i'd post the Cissy eye roll cause this is a joke
  21. Omfg, his fifteenth time?! What a stan! I'm not the biggest fan ever but she definitely seems like the kind of person who'd slay live. I'm glad you enjoyed! Yeah he's a huge fan. Has a tattoo homage of her on his leg. Technically, it was his 16th time seeing her in all as he saw her at the World Music Awards, which Whitney was there too so he's seen all the divas at least once I think haha. Omfg, stan tattoos are so dangerous, but I gotta give him credit for the dedication. That's amazing! Is that the awards show where Whitney came out looking like she weighed 20kgs and they had to add weight to her digitally? He also has a Tattoo for Heart. I think so yeah haha
  22. Omfg, his fifteenth time?! What a stan! I'm not the biggest fan ever but she definitely seems like the kind of person who'd slay live. I'm glad you enjoyed! Yeah he's a huge fan. Has a tattoo homage of her on his leg. Technically, it was his 16th time seeing her in all as he saw her at the World Music Awards, which Whitney was there too so he's seen all the divas at least once I think haha.
  23. This show has never been that good except for Asylum, in my opinion. The more I hear about this season the less excited I get haha. I am excited to see Gaga and Naomi throw down though. That will be awesome! And Lily Rabe, who has always been my favorite.
  24. It was absolutely amazing! I was surprised at how good it was. She did an amazing job. I've always liked her but never been the biggest fan. It was my boyfriends 15th time seeing her and he said it's the best she has ever sounded. Definitely an amazing experience.
  25. Here is her first show just last night. She was absolutely flawless! Greatest show I have ever seen. First time seeing her. This link belongs to someone else I just found it on the forum https://mega.nz/#F!Wsp1AATQ!6RX0-uirfWnYa0Pni635Hg
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