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Everything posted by reflection

  1. yes omg I thought the same 😭 the hq is a total need hopefully the song was sourced elsewhere like trash television cause the publishing site this is from downscales all the files to 96kbps by default
  2. does anyone else love I can still dance
  3. iwfcy was mixed by a gay in audacity lol. probably Jenny too since the clap stem is offbeat
  4. thats the same one I have lol it must have something to do with the mixing, many of the mixes that leaked are really heavy on treble (aka sound sharp) and the bass isnt processed well its most noticeable when the chorus hits
  5. rewind your heart sounds so off to me, as if it got exported through a tube lol
  6. jsut to be clear, nothing that leaked is a final version or a master right? they all just seem to be old poorly mixed demos she sent around a decade ago that gays somehow got a hold of from whatever source they were sent to
  7. I hope she can strike a generous deal with max Martin. I heard he asks 50-100k to release a song alone
  8. I mean I hope she can release all the songs the 2020 draft looks weird but then again it is a 2020 draft it would be really weird if she didnt release I wanna call you since she performed it alongside american girl
  9. im not taking it if a certain song isnt on there
  10. Yeah but it technically became official when Bonnie used it for its single release on soundcloud
  11. What we really need is I can still dance HQ and a good version of I wanna fucking call you out there
  12. added my master post to this thread if you see any of my files are lower quality than what I have or you have something to add feel free to add a comment to this thread
  13. could this be the scrapped reflection deluxe track? they all worked with fifth harmony during reflection era Julia Michaels - too much tayla - bo$$, 2/3 deluxe tracks production, boyfriend kasher - bo$$, double vision
  14. I thought I get what I want only had a 1:30 snippet posted on the website
  15. she did a full on visual for a tik Tok murdering her boyfriend let alone a whole music video
  16. also I thought 'ya gameel' is probably a registration error of 'you gave me love' (suspiciously similar and I doubt meghan is writing songs in arabic for them'
  17. hi guys I finally updated the thread sorry for the delay I totally spaced a few more APRA repertoire finds they are listed as performers under the following songs: https://youtu.be/JaBjHt2tDS8 https://youtu.be/9ZDAYg196x8 https://youtu.be/O3dWBLoU--E https://youtu.be/2ghj8_DpDfU https://youtu.be/xoRrGsgohYE I know these songs sound very weird atleast some of them plus Nicole released boomerang before they were even signed but theyre listed as performers even for their YouTube covers and the songs they sampled like Mariah always be my baby so the possibilities for what they could've used these songs for is broad
  18. Where did she say summer
  19. I will send her a cease and desist if we do not get SLAY MV by December 31st 23:59. UK TIME.
  20. The hey alligator that leaked is a mixdown of the instrumental + vocal takes
  21. this is how a YouTube video usually speks, I ripped the video and it came out the same minus levelling theres always a distinct 'cut off' point at 16kHz for yt rips
  22. the one we have is a rip of the music video no
  23. Always Summer Blow Ur Mind Bombastic (DEMO/ OTHER SAME TITLE) Chasing Ghosts Crazy Boy Daylight Demolition Man! Friends Go Getter Guilty Pleasure Heart Attack Heartbeat Hit and Run I Get What I Want I Like It Hot I Want You Infatuation It Gets Better JFK Laserbeam License to Love Lie Detector Looking Glass Lovebird Make It Through Another Day Mess Around Met Your Match Modern Girl Monday Never Say Forever No Regrets On Your Side On and On Once Is Not Enough One More Night Party Monster RIP RSVP Rock Angels Romantic Rage Rubberband Saturday Again Shallow Show Me Take a Picture Teenage Heart The Breaking Point Tune Into Me Unlove Me Up to Me Wanna Live War of the Worlds What’s It Gonna Take Who Says You’re Mine from that specific list these are the ones left
  24. I have faith for this year and still hold the unpopular opinion that its actually coming inline with the Tik Tok comments, with the pandemic and master ownership out the way all thats left is funding for the era rollout, shes finally in the position of any artist last decade (apart from the fact she has to fund max Martin songs as a indie artist)
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