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Everything posted by reflection

  1. https://www.idolator.com/7598858/bonnie-mckee-interview-bombastic-ep?andro=1 She definately didn’t have ownership when she left july 1st 2015: Yeah, there’s a whole album. I toured with it, I opened up for Karmin last year. The songs are still alive, but I’m in legal limbo with Epic. […] I plan on getting them back… I may have to re-record them.
  2. does anyone have links to where PSA or feel so right originally leaked? apparently they leaked on soundcloud and somebody mustve gotten a soundcloud pro rip of the OG PSA upload
  3. list of my fave bonnie songs
  4. if Bonnie put out a song every time her fans fought in this thread shed have a career
  5. finally something that'll communicate hope to her fans
  6. does anyone know which songs are confirmed to be outtakes from Trouble + bombastic? no guesses please, trouble is between 2002-2003 and bombastic seems to be Sean Walsh produced 2015? not sure if its 2014-2015 or something
  7. this. she should fill her fans in who have been waiting years and years.
  8. I loveee bombastic. thorns too its amazing you just have to get the vibe. whatever the situation was with the epic masters, she vindicated herself of any 'I didnt have the rights' 'I didnt have ownership' ambiguity conclusively in 2021. she has no excuse in that department anymore as of then, and now cannot use the pandemic as deflection of the album either. all thats left is moving towards a actual release mixing, mastering, re recording, funding for music videos, promo material, packaging, artwork, distribution, photoshoots, promotion and also release fees and publishing.
  9. so shes been teasing and confirming all these epic tracks for this year.. but said shes releasing the 2019 album in the summer? is this some sort of revenge troll for the leaks
  10. shes listed as a performer on BMI along with a few other kooljack produced tracks (not written by XCX) - 1 of these got released so she probably recorded it although it doesnt seem likely it was on the album by that alone (theres a small chance with the deluxe) im not sure if the tracks were circulating apparently they were on publishing sites but not sure if anyone found a workaround to obtain those
  11. What did she say she was releasing in the summer again
  12. polished masters > poorly rendered demos from 2012
  13. at minimum she should give us the album like a Taylors version. keep them to the original spirit yet not release demos
  14. https://mega.nz/folder/ciIHEDJQ#voYMtzbGESU9p6J-o4wNfQ
  15. I do have to say the original master of sleepwalker sounds so much better than the remaster. they added a bunch of compression and bass to it and made it sound 'modernised'. the old one sounded just like songs did in 2010. thats probably something to expect that'll be a detractor
  16. if she got the rights to the masters she wouldnt be required to re record. I would image shed re record lead vocals maybe and keep the bgv and then master them
  17. I am here once again to say I am confident in this year and if she releases nothing ill delete my pophatesflops account on December 31st 2021 at 23:59pm she didnt have her masters from epic until 2020, and then the pandemic happened the same year in 2021 she said she had her masters but it wasnt the right time to release in 2022 she is promising to release music this year
  18. no lol, I got it from Shazam I just couldnt upload it direct here without downscaling. I wish I had the album the tracks cant be that hidden.. they seemed to be going around alot on different databases does anyone have credits for these songs? 4. Drop the Beat N/A 3:31 5. Boomerang N/A 2:56 6. Down Like That (feat. Jacob Lattimore) N/A 3:00
  19. bebe rexhas original album from 2014 is also registered there lol that site is insane...
  20. https://mega.nz/folder/czR3XSgL#k0zg3Zlip24FSQCCj2fn0A
  21. im pretty sure the entire album is
  22. also the deluxe tracklist is fake, I believe there were 2 songs for it but those arent the one since theres more that guy produced for the album thats registered + so unreliable. the rest is real though, 11 songs are mentioned in the press release in a specific order and she tweeted it had 11 songs. I hope she can release it for the fans one day
  23. 1500x1500 https://www.shazam.com/gb/track/278014873/break-into-my-heart
  24. I find it so odd wild card and show me your love never leaked they were both on the whiteboard and on the 2020 draft
  25. does anyone have bad case of u in m4a?
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