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Everything posted by reflection

  1. if we all just sat in a circle, held hands and carried on hallucinating this album just a little longer...
  2. just wanted to thank you to everyone whos shared something!! I really appreciate it as a bonnie fan + it means a lot best I can do is share back so I can put up a link to my bonnie collection from my mega in a bit if anyones interested? I might keep it message based for security though so feel free to pm me anytime and ill send over the link. ill keep it updated + it should have everything in there
  3. this is modern girl... it sounds so good.... modern girl.mp3
  4. I also thought future ex boyfriend was ancient? whats your source @tropicalian also sabotage is from 2019 not 2013
  5. Thank you electro love does anyone remember what happened to candy? this song kind of reminds me of it and some snippet leaked a few years ago lol interesting how that one still hasnt leaked
  6. 11.20 could be November 2020 too
  7. if only bonnie told us the same
  8. thank you all for sharing, its really appreciated
  9. thank you James max for sharing appreciated
  10. I dont understand why she wouldnt release the video... she spent all that money..
  11. I feel like the physical vault is an actual teaser for the album and the 'eras' already started already
  12. Also the reason sleepwalker was released in 2018 is because it was her first independent release (she confirmed on tik tok). she owned the masters to it ever since she released it late 2013. It’s definitely an exception from the rest
  13. I think they’re music videos she’s done over the years she didn’t have the masters to release but doesn’t mean she didn’t do a music video here and there. Electric heaven makes sense cause it was the only song she didn’t perform on the original visible tracklist.
  14. https://discord.gg/dsP6qpvF
  15. Have y’all checked out the green text on the right of the whiteboard in the KIISFM video? There’s a partial tracklist for the album 1. American girl 2. Forever 21 3. Hot city 4. Rewind 5. I wanna call you 6. Everything but you 7. Electric heaven 8. Right now then it cuts off 🙁 anyone have the full video?
  16. She should’ve given us an EP of 4 songs every year since bombastic just with her favourites that year while keeping us waiting for her Epic material
  17. She should be teasing now cause we know one week for us is one month for her she shouldn’t be dropping this later than late July and the hopefully a visual or something by august. This is such a summer album and we’re about to be at the midpoint
  18. An album…. This month??? you guys realise there’s not even a week left this month right is anyone else finding this hilarious?
  19. bonnie shouldnt sign to like a mainstream label but maybe one with a group of friends that she owns the masters of, that could help her pay the bills and that she can renew after each album cycle? I know avril Lavigne is on a label thats basically her friends and I think it could do well for bonnies career. like a imprint label maybe like jojo aswell shes under her own label clovers music but is a imprint of Warner brothers so I think she has some deal with that label while still holding her own
  20. Also I believe she only performed around 7 songs? And she said only some of the karmin songs were on the original EP in august 2014 i guess so called life would kind of ‘count’ for epic although it was never intended for it.. kind of all her songs would up to that point would. mirage is literally from 2003, worst in me is 2008, hitman iirc was around that time aswell, and I think outlaw was a Britney pitch. Apparently the I want it all and bombastic demos that are floating around are from 2012 and die happy is from 2015 so based on all this I assume Bonnie doesn’t make songs for specific eras rather she just picks her favourites from all the sessions she’s had up to that point and makes a tracklist out of them. But she shouldn’t release so called life imo. I hope she releases what she wants to at the end
  21. electric heaven is ethereal + one of her best personally, im ecstatic shes releasing it + its the perfect title track to me. I just hope she doesnt switch up the production too much cause the original is perfect
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