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Everything posted by reflection

  1. we get it can you shut up and keep this shit inside the music trading thread and to think all this was over you scamming them and getting upset they called you out after being nasty to them in pms and now your obsessively creating alts for days saying the same thing over and over and spilling to completely unrelated threads. why do i try to rationalise with unreasonable people
  2. what is it with the weird titles and message texts with unrelated material to what the topic once was is this a new thing or an old thing. this site deserves more love
  3. I meant to the person above me lol
  4. aka circulating ?
  5. the way i tried to use photoshop for my media magazine design and it ended up looking like something out of microsoft word 2008 not even exaggerating thank you for the ocmplement tho!
  6. Thank you queen ?
  7. You don’t like any?
  8. Time to make my mark on phf forums art gallery section with my borderline Microsoft paint covers (taking requests) Let’s hope Flickr doesn’t fail me and embarras me and photos automatically embed And more to come
  9. Justin bieber changes ☠️ More like changes the standard of bad
  10. Bebe rexha expectations I know of no other album
  11. Ended careers
  12. https://tenor.com/TqF8.gif
  13. Bebe Rexha guaranteed for life then I can live in peace
  14. literally dying for guaranteed for life pop version id totally chip in if I was 18 (only a year to go ) also I remember nothing at all being sold for 0.05BTC and it having a bid.
  15. I’m pretty sure somebody new was not bought. I know it was put up for bid first time for 0.05 BTC and wasn’t sold and then put up the section below the bids for 0.20BTC (the section I assume was bringing back songs not sold in bids) and I highly doubt if nobody bought it first time someone would buy it second time for 4x it’s original price
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