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Everything posted by reflection

  1. I fear this might be another XCX world. Where she doesn’t feel like they’re her files she released anymore someone else already did it for her. But I hope not because demos don’t hold anything to masters
  2. No unfortunately
  3. Can someone just send her a paragraph of optimism, love, support and care please
  4. He died in 2017 I believe
  5. Is nobody else thinking I’m surprised these didn’t leak earlier.. I remember jojos scrapped album was leaking as the era was happening lol.. she’s had 9 years to put something together which to be fair it seems she had some sort of plan this year.. but then again that does extend to the past 9 years. Unless she really didn’t get enough rights back to release the album until these past few years then it would make sense why she kept delaying when she was expecting to get rights back sooner
  6. Nothing is stopping her from dropping all her songs with the amount of royalties she has x2. She doesn’t even have to give us visuals CDs packaging. Just put the songs on streaming with a title and a pretty cover like Ashley Tisdale and feed your fans for once.
  7. it owuld be grea tif she got her head out of drafts and into production wouldnt it we could get them all 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021
  8. she said she would release SLAY mv in 2022 everything but you, dont get mad get famous and hot city eventually, there was also a album draft including epic era songs in mid 2020
  9. this but lets pretend she still does and sticks to her plans for 2022 so i dont have to live with rough demos of varying qualities mixes and demos and can get these songs with packaging, cd, tracklist, masters, ons treaming as a actual proper era with visuals if this mass leak was really the nail in the coffin for us to ever get a final product from bonnie then i just feel like a sack of piss
  10. is anyone else relieved that bonnie said she isnt scrapping the album because of the leaks, and is just waiting it out until theyre over to release? these rough demos cant hold a candle to final, finished masters. at this point all i want is a final mastered album from bonnie because at the ennd of the day everything the gays have here will leak in its multiple demo versions, but what isnt 100% is bonnies release of the album in its final mastered form, so i will be praying for that and those masters instead.
  11. damn i didnt eve know that.. and karmin must be broker than bonnie mckee since they didnt have like what 5 plat singles. i feel like bonnie needs to face her fears and do it i assume its one of thsoe things wehre the more you sit on something the more you feel uncertain she needs to just shit it out and move onto new projects
  12. Are we not forgetting she did literally four music videos and singles for a four song EP + without the headache of buying back the masters. The revenue must’ve been -$1000000. Her dreams ideas and plans are probably greater than her actions some of them must not be pheasable with her current budget
  13. thank you so much bearsbummer for sharing!! its really appreciated
  14. When I’m alone was always a fave I adore the drums and synth. I wonder if Bonnie ever recorded a demo or if Carly’s was enough for pitching
  15. from my end tell her we love her and the demos that leaked just make us want the final masters and excited about these songs even more and we will take an album of her choosing anytime! also ask her about my favourite song i wanna fucking call you and if that will be on it if you can x
  16. Now who said this albums been scrapped when she’s been fighting her old label buying these masters 1 by 1. Sleepwalker being released unofficially didn’t stop her from releasing officially it years later
  17. thesea re amazing, thank you!!
  18. can we imagine how ethereal these songs would be back to back completed in a professionally crafted album with visuals, mastering, a engaging rollout please
  19. i know outlaw would hit so much harder with a final version, mixing mastering etc. great melody - adore it sonically, poor mixing, rough vocals, great production ideas, but as is underdeveloped and rough production. getting alot of these vibes and if anything i hope bonnie understands these leaks just make people want a final mastered proper version as they were intended to be heard even more.it feels like im wasting my first listens on the wrong versions of the songs lol so i feel like i have to hold out on this one too. also is there any confirmation on unlock your love being from epic era? i always assumed it was but i cannot find a source or date
  20. Just ‘unreleased’
  21. no but someone sent a bunch of song titles and they sorted them as so On 2020 Draft: S.L.A.Y. Forever 21 Outlaw Electric Heaven Somebodys Gonna Get Hurt Wild Card Rewind Your Heart Jenny's Got a Boyfriend Show Me Your Love Worst in Me Off 2020 Draft: I Wanna Fucking Call You Mirage Right Now Hit Man Everything but You Unlock Your Love Dont Get Mad Get Famous
  22. Was it mentioned here that this album had a draft tracklist in mid 2020? These all still have a chance of coming out although apparently everything but you and I wanna call you were absent from it so I believe she still hasn’t secured all the rights to her epic sessions (they aren’t handing it over for free when they paid for all of them) some songs not on the draft Bonnie has replied to IG comments they’ll come out and also I forgot which song but she said MV next year for one of them. I believe the pandemic must’ve pushed back the album and she finally secured enough rights to release some of the songs and maybe is saving the rest for album number 3 or a deluxe or droplet release when she gets the rights to those too. Right now is probably completely off the table though for… obvious reasons
  23. Thank you so much!! Love this song, it was made for Bonnie and she carries this so much better although I’ll merit Cheryl’s for the BPM change!
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