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Everything posted by Carcunt

  1. So, I decided to make masterposts for a ton of different animated series, movies, anime, and whatever else a lot of us used to watch as a kid and grew up with. I'm going to try to find everything in the highest quality I can, but some things might not be 1080 or 720, just because a lot of older animation is typically hard to find in a higher quality format. Also, I will take requests, but it might take a while for me to get everything done, just because each episode of something could take 10-15 minutes to download (sometimes less) and then another 10-15 to upload, so don't expect anything in less than a week, sorry. Also, in each season's folder, there are folders labeled something like "Ep. 1-9" and "Ep. 10-19" which is like that because Mega is a mess and wants to put 10 right after 1, instead of 1, 2, 3, etc... (This issue's been solved.) Note: These might not be in 1080/720 because of the fact that a lot of them are older (the newer ones usually will be in higher quality/definition) and a TON of the older cartoons haven't been properly released in HQ/HD. Sorry Also, @trayertrash has agreed to help me on some of it, so we'll both be working on it together. Hopefully, that means we'll be getting more content uploaded sooner. Anyway, as I upload things, I'm going to just add the links here: Cartoon Network Nickelodeon Disney Channel
  2. The only reason why I didn't put this there was because that has more of the general discussion about the shows itself, not the news on if the show is cancelled or not, you know what I mean?
  3. So, Netflix renewed Orange Is The New Black for season 4, set to premier in 2016. [iurl=http://www.ismyshowcancelled.com/article/2015-04-15/orange-is-the-new-black-renewed-for-season-4/]Source[/iurl]
  4. I just download them from the internet
  5. Yeah I saw that on Wikipedia when I read about the comic.
  6. I feel like I remember a few more songs you forgot to mention from a longer list but I'm not sure. I'll try to find it somewhere and see if they leaked. I checked ASCAP and found two more that were recent registries. Everything else that used to be on my list ended up on her new album. Conductor Tantalus Oh, I see.
  7. I feel like I remember a few more songs you forgot to mention from a longer list but I'm not sure. I'll try to find it somewhere and see if they leaked.
  8. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/music-festivals/6531557/marina-and-the-diamonds-dishes-on-clean-bandit-collab-coachella Not sure what this means exactly, but hopefully we get some songs that sound new. All of Froot (other than the title track) sounded like something she's done before.
  9. I'm not sure she understands the concept of a contract tbh. You sign one once and make sure the other party signs it as well before you shoot the music video so that everything's sorted, you don't sign a million of them after production is already finished. Sick of her bullshit excuses tbh, just release your album bitch. I'm dying omg
  10. Nothing like it (which means it's better, anything's better than The Trashy Dead... JKJKJK) lol it's about a girl who's a zombie and she eats murdered people's brains to see clues leading up to their death, while keeping it a secret that she's a zombie.
  11. Is anyone else watching this, besides me and trayertrash ?!?! I fucking love it and it's started off strong and keeps going well, imo. I love the concept and the character's interactions with each other.
  13. I wonder how she acts around people who aren't famous but that's how I'd act if I saw Kesha... lmao
  14. Steven R. McQueen left, there's basically nothing left. Except Candice Accola. She needs to never leave. He was annoying and needed to be killed off in season 2 tbh... I'm glad he's gone.
  15. I saw your mom live. Actually, it was your dad.
  16. Never. She's best staying on this show, plus we can't lose many other ppl from TVD...
  17. I feel like Nina wants to move on...maybe cause Ian is engaged now... I THOUGHT THE SAME THING TOO. I was talking to my cousin and she was talking about Ian and stuff.
  18. She got really annoying imo. I've always hated her, but she's the central of the series. Although, now it may be Bonnie and Caroline's (aka the prettier ones) time to shine. I fucking hope so. Give Bonnie her fucking time to be more central in the show. She could be so much more important to the show but she's always been such a side bitch and I love her. Also, Caroline was the side bitch I hated in the beginning but maybe this could make her more of a badass and hopefully give her some kind of a happy ending next season. If it were up to me, Elena would leave TVD and go to The Originals.
  19. Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R. McQueen), and Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino) have all exited the show, but the network has renewed the series for a 7th season despite the cast lineup. Yeah, saw that yesterday... Kind of happy because well... She got really annoying imo.
  20. Happy birthday @Cypher!!! Hope you had a good birthday!!! It says on here you turned 29, so... HAPPY 29TH!!! Have some cake with some rainbow titty sprinkles.
  21. That sounds like a tenth generation Pokemon. WHAT IS IT ONE? OMG I wish! But given how quickly they're running out of ideas I'm sure we'll get there eventually. I remember the first like 150?? Or 200.
  22. That sounds like a tenth generation Pokemon. WHAT IS IT ONE? OMG
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