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Everything posted by Carcunt

  1. Tbh tho, I kind of like what he said. He was talking about how America is always getting involved with other countries and never worrying about ourselves... and it's fucking true and it's annoying. Worry about yourselves first, THEN if some other country needs help, call us. Idk what all he spoke about in the 45 minute thing, but from what I've seen, I liked what he had to say.
  2. Going to be getting three (For example, Adventure Time S1 [1] [2] [3]) links for each show's seasons set up in the original post, that way if my Megas end up getting taken down, they're still here.
  3. "Things to do in America." Ashley. You'll never get the chance unless you do it now!!! $500 down payment, $2,000/hour!! (I take cash, and most major credit cards. Late fees and restrictions may apply. She'll do anything as long as it's BDSM. Don't even try to bring up Christian Grey or she'll murder you and we'll have more than your first $2,500. Each session only an hour and after that, the rates go up $100 a minute. If you need music to fuck to, you'll have to listen to whatever the Ashley picks. CAUTION: Whatever the Ashley may pick might not be your favorite genre, it just might happen to be Slayer's new album or Butthole Surfers. WARNING: Only condoms are used unless she says so. If she says to take it off, risk of your dick falling off from holiness, a pregnancy may occur, or internal bleeding from your soggy pussy being slain by Ashley's pussy. Ashley, also known as @trayertrash, has limitations and you have to abide by them and if not, off with your head. Both heads. Internal moaning may occur. Drowsiness, laziness, hopelessness, death, burst eardrums, and other side effects may occur. If you have hopelessness, it's okay, it's just because you know you'll never have a pussy like hers.)
  4. I pretty much hate 3 people on LB. Well, 4. But 3 right now. Only reason why I'm still there is because they don't like what I say. Fuck them :)

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I hate pretty much everyone on LB tbh, but it's fun to hang around just to piss them all off. :magic:
    2. ☯ LARINA ☯

      ☯ LARINA ☯

      everyone is so rude on lb omg i'm only there bc lana

  5. The back of my right leg lol And that's the thing that really had me wanting to see them/him again, the show was fucking great. No disappointment. He did an acapella version of this song called Bleed Out and it sounded so fucking good, I had chills lol
  6. Btw my eyes look really fucking weird, I stg I'm not cockeyed irl lmfaoooo (but @trayertrash is)
  7. 6/11/2015. One of the most memorable nights of my goddamn life. We went to the venue and stood there for about an hour before we went to the meet & greet. He did a couple quick songs before the show for the M&G people and we got a poster signed with our names (my sister and I both had M&G tickets, she bought em ) The thing that made this show so special to me is that I listened to them since I was 7 or 8 and now I'm 17 meeting him and they've helped me through a LOT of shit... And I told him that, too, and he remembered me after the show and we talked for a minute. God, it was so fucking perfect. Here's pics. Pictures: I want the skull from the shirt/poster tattooed. My sister and I might get matching tattoos of it lol
  8. Finishing this season of iZombie

  9. I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. I've got friends and my own sister who's been in an abusive relationship. Until you've been in one, shut the fuck up. Kesha signed to Dr. Luke's label and in the time she was signed, he drugged her and force himself on her. That's her claim and honestly, I believe it, especially since other artists have come out and spoken about it. As if you know about her situation... We're the fucking public, we're not supposed to know everything. It like you're saying "Well rape victims need to get over it and quit pointing the finger at the rapist" and that's fucking disgusting.
  10. Yasss slay bitch slay. God I fucking love Kesha, which I have since 2009's Right Round, so I support her in this.
  11. I only saw the first HG movie btu I loved the books... lmao
  12. How the fuck did I forget Princess Kesha?....
  13. I think mine is... oh god... I have a few. I can't narrow it down to one album. Blue October's Any Man In America Lana Del Rey's Ultraviolence The Beatles' The White Album Amy Winehouse's Back To Black Kesha's Warrior Avril Lavigne's Under My Skin
  14. I don't support homosexuality, but I want some hentai Grrrl maybe I'll do an anime one too but not anytime soon XD
  15. Gonna TRY to finish Book 3 of Avatar, but I'm 4 episodes in with uploading it... so it'll get done, just taking some time. Does anyone want anything specific for me to work on next?
  16. I've been getting into occult stuff recently, myself, and I came across this (from someone on the /r/occult subreddit on Reddit) http://bluefluke.deviantart.com/gallery/52627976/THE-PSYCHONAUT-FIELD-MANUAL Not sure if anyone's interested but... it's there. It's just a basic teaching of occult studies. Not everything's there, obviously, but a little bit of stuff.
  17. I like Redd's Apple Ale but with a couple shots of Fireball whiskey mixed in. It's so fucking good. And I know, Fireball's pretty mild... but it's good in the apple ale lol Favorite fast food?
  18. No idea why I'm stickying a masterpost with only two series, but fine. Well, it'll have more, I've just gotta actually work on it lol
  19. Update: I'm gonna try to get Avatar: The Last Airbender finished this weekend and I'll try to start doing other shit after that. H.B.I.C. Would you mind sticky-ing this thread so it's readily available in the beginning of this section please!!
  20. JFK. I just like scandals... Do you think Lana Del Rey will be the next president's Marilyn Monroe?
  21. I'm not sure if anyone here is a fan of Call of Duty but I was (before Ghosts came out.) I started a petition to get Treyarch and Activision to bring Black Ops 1 & 2 to Xbox One. Please sign it and share it if you can https://www.change.org/p/treyarch-activision-remaster-black-ops-1-and-2-for-xbox-one-91654d1f-4c8d-4acd-895e-ff4492cb031f?just_created=true
  22. Hey, I was just curious... what're some of your favorite indie films? I really like those kinds of films that are lower budgeted and not well know. Anyone got any suggestions?
  23. Joe Wright, who did Atonement OMFG Atonement is one of my all time fav films! Never seen it
  24. So wait, are we getting a new director?
  25. It's extremely important to use pronouns correctly. Using he/him is taking away from who Caitlyn feels she is, it's like saying her identity doesn't matter to you (although, I know you didn't mean it that way) Bruce/he/him aren't terms to use anymore when talking about Caitlyn. See, pronouns are the problem with me and trans people. I mean, I'd gladly call them what they want to be called but once I'm used to calling someone a guy or using the male pronouns, it's hard for me to be all like "Oh, she did this today," you know? I'll have to keep thinking to call him a her instead. But... that's just me and eventually once more people in the limelight start changing (because this has been a large step for famous people who want to, all the support), I'll get used to it eventually and I'll start using proper pronouns.
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