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Everything posted by Carcunt

  1. Even though it was announced as a 2014, then 2015, 2016, and then a 2017 release? Yeah, they're really stupid.
  2. You made absolutely no fucking sense. If you're gonna come for Miley, at least make sense. If you're calling Miley a slut, you're proving Miley's point. She does what she likes to do and has an art style, yet, she's shamed for it and called derogatory names that has to do with "too much sex," or originally, a hooker. What right there means she has sex for money?
  3. I guess you live up to your name, don't you?
  4. That's funny, you must've forgotten when you all wanted to take credit for something Mo leaked and Francesco's photoshoot from last year and the Disco demos.... but let's not remember that. I was stating facts, you say they're most likely to be next to leak but how would you know if you guys aren't even in the leaking "business" anymore?????? Go back to your irrelevant rathole of a tumblr known as TOSTB, you cum guzzling gutter slut.
  5. There's no specific proof that it will, don't keep your hopes up. TOSTB stopped leaking like a year ago when they tried taking leaking credit for something they didn't leak.
  6. From that initial 200 track theft, we only have like 90-100 leaked. Remember last August when Hangin' Around, Waiamaia, and Joshy & I leaked and the guy said those were just bottom of the barrel? There must be more we don't know about. Trans Am, I don't think, is a song, only because it was just written on a notebook, we didn't see anything about chords or chord progressions, notes, lyrics, nothing. It was literally the words "Trans Am"... And didn't the COTBR demo leak????
  7. I think they should just get with the times and use picosong like every other leaker lmao

  9. You don't have to care about it, as long as you know
  10. Putting down a vocal? Yeah, barely. Her voice sucks now.
  11. Who the hell is that?
  12. Can someone reupload the damn tracks? lol
  13. I dont care I fucking love the line "You can watch me sing and I can help you do your crime"
  14. Is this the full version? Seems edited or cut
  15. The good sis took it like a champ, though!!!!
  16. That's what happens when you're a trashy, racist, homophobic cunt. Fuck her. Flop ass.... lmao
  17. This better not be her saying she's quitting music. I'm killing someone if it happens tbh
  18. I've never seen it but the guy who plays Negan in TWD is in it. It's ending tho so Idc to see it tbqh
  19. The resurrection....
  20. Does anyone have a download link for some of the unreleased/demos?
  21. You mean a friend who can't take the time of day to look through her Instagram, Twitter, iTunes, or anything to listen to a 3 minute song?
  22. They were friends, but what kind of friend doesn't pay attention to their friends music and art that's coming out? Some friend Charli is.
  23. Seriously tho i'm really tired of people blaming this as a thing that isn't really relevant anymore lol
  24. Doesn't surprise me tbh
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