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Everything posted by Carcunt

  1. Happy (after/late) birthday!!
  2. You know what's funny? There were no posts here that legitimately said something about adult/NSFW things being in that section (newds isn't spelled the right way) so how did the "computer" know what that section was before?
  3. Oh good, I'm not the only one to think so. (But she did write something in the monotone earlier this morning and I messaged her on FB and she seemed to be fine, so I think it's just her being sarcastic lol) Btw, I think she was talking about herself getting a bs warning lmao
  4. Just watch it on HBO Go lol or here -> http://www.couchtuner.eu/watch-girls-online-2/
  5. I love this show so much omfg :DDD
  6. Yasss mama time to slayyyyy :DDD
  7. You should make this like, a demo version and produce the shit out of it!!! #TrayerTakesOutTheTrash #OopsIMeantTOSTB #ShadyBitchSaturdays!!
  8. Slay bae slayyy!! But really, we need to do our collab and I need to get to recording... lol
  9. *facepalm* When will Colbie just stop... she's so irrelevant...
  10. I hear it's gonna be Adele, but Idk
  11. Tbh, all she ever does is throw shade just to stay somewhat relevant. She won't even release her album, whether it's her label's fault of hers, but still. I think it's ridiculous. She needs to calm down, really lol
  12. Thought the same thing lol
  13. Tbh, David Bowie did it first, then Beyonce decided to, too... Js. Anyway, I don't feel like reading all 5 pages of this thread, so sorry if someone else mentioned this. What if it was Kesha/Ke$ha or if it were Artpop: Act II? I could see it happening lol
  14. Speaking of her, she's been killed off so many times in the public eye, it's not even funny. She's had like, 5 death hoaxes in the past what, 2-3 years...?
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