And what Iggy said was true, 100%. She cries about race, calls people out when they have nothing to do with something, and she holds herself on a pedestal because she's a black artist in the rap industry and doesn't believe Iggy, a white girl, should be there. Get the fuck over race, and quit crying because nobody wants to buy your shitty album. Only good song you have is 212 and that's even mediocre. She makes everything have to do with race, (she even tweeted about a guy being white today) and then she turns everything around on Iggy when she has nothing better to do. I wonder what she thought when Lana's Playground leaked, especially the "Touring up in here in the town, a soul singer, yes Sometimes I rap, too, I'm a white girl" line. AB makes herself into being a victim when she's the complete opposite. She needs to sit down.