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Everything posted by Carcunt

  1. [iurl=http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/hilary-duff-files-divorce-husband-report-article-1.2123549]Source[/iurl]
  2. So does this mean all those people who are committing suicide every year should just get their shit together and stop crying, cutting, and taking pills? Like grow up already cause some people have real world problems. Not at all. As someone who's been on the brink multiple times, I can say pretty honestly that I don't think Iggy's problems are as bad as those of many other people who've had their dirty laundry aired. Sure, the Papa John's incident was an annoyance, but to get so worked up over it and then to put all those tweets out in public, when I'm sure she could've dealt with a manager at the shop privately? That speaks to her status as an attention-seeking person. Her rant to that paparazzo in the parking lot of that grocery store also speaks to this. She knew full well that she was being filmed and chose to go on a rant against the evils of paparazzi, despite the fact that it was entirely her choice to decide whether or not to try to be famous. She could pull a full Sia, for all I care. At least Sia did it for the right reasons, since she's an intelligent enough person to be creative in her solutions to the problems of celebrity life. But the point that she was making in the parking lot and on Twitter about Papa John's wasn't about the situation itself, she was talking about the fact that she should have 10 minutes to go to a grocery store and get groceries or be able to order pizza without feeling like someone was stalking her. That's an invasion of privacy, celebrity or not. Privacy is not a right guaranteed to any citizen of the United States under any circumstances. By becoming a celebrity, you give up an implied right. The second you decide to hit it big, your days of keeping things under wraps are 100% done. Iggy's naïve if she didn't realize that beforehand. Oh, but there are some laws that are supposed to be used to enforce privacy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Shine_the_Light_law - Regarding the whole pizza thing Looks like she should take that up with Papa Johns. That's what she did, but she probably also thought it would be a good idea to put it out there publicly so celebrities know not to order there unless that want, once again, a privacy breach.
  3. Well, from the stills we've seen, it looks like it's going to be really enjoyable.
  4. So does this mean all those people who are committing suicide every year should just get their shit together and stop crying, cutting, and taking pills? Like grow up already cause some people have real world problems. Not at all. As someone who's been on the brink multiple times, I can say pretty honestly that I don't think Iggy's problems are as bad as those of many other people who've had their dirty laundry aired. Sure, the Papa John's incident was an annoyance, but to get so worked up over it and then to put all those tweets out in public, when I'm sure she could've dealt with a manager at the shop privately? That speaks to her status as an attention-seeking person. Her rant to that paparazzo in the parking lot of that grocery store also speaks to this. She knew full well that she was being filmed and chose to go on a rant against the evils of paparazzi, despite the fact that it was entirely her choice to decide whether or not to try to be famous. She could pull a full Sia, for all I care. At least Sia did it for the right reasons, since she's an intelligent enough person to be creative in her solutions to the problems of celebrity life. But the point that she was making in the parking lot and on Twitter about Papa John's wasn't about the situation itself, she was talking about the fact that she should have 10 minutes to go to a grocery store and get groceries or be able to order pizza without feeling like someone was stalking her. That's an invasion of privacy, celebrity or not. Privacy is not a right guaranteed to any citizen of the United States under any circumstances. By becoming a celebrity, you give up an implied right. The second you decide to hit it big, your days of keeping things under wraps are 100% done. Iggy's naïve if she didn't realize that beforehand. Oh, but there are some laws that are supposed to be used to enforce privacy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Shine_the_Light_law - Regarding the whole pizza thing
  5. So does this mean all those people who are committing suicide every year should just get their shit together and stop crying, cutting, and taking pills? Like grow up already cause some people have real world problems. Not at all. As someone who's been on the brink multiple times, I can say pretty honestly that I don't think Iggy's problems are as bad as those of many other people who've had their dirty laundry aired. Sure, the Papa John's incident was an annoyance, but to get so worked up over it and then to put all those tweets out in public, when I'm sure she could've dealt with a manager at the shop privately? That speaks to her status as an attention-seeking person. Her rant to that paparazzo in the parking lot of that grocery store also speaks to this. She knew full well that she was being filmed and chose to go on a rant against the evils of paparazzi, despite the fact that it was entirely her choice to decide whether or not to try to be famous. She could pull a full Sia, for all I care. At least Sia did it for the right reasons, since she's an intelligent enough person to be creative in her solutions to the problems of celebrity life. But the point that she was making in the parking lot and on Twitter about Papa John's wasn't about the situation itself, she was talking about the fact that she should have 10 minutes to go to a grocery store and get groceries or be able to order pizza without feeling like someone was stalking her. That's an invasion of privacy, celebrity or not.
  6. Honestly, Iggy saying the word "dyke" isn't wrong to me in the slightest. It's clear from the context of her Tweet (and the fact that she was even hanging out with lesbians in the first place?) that she doesn't consider the term offensive and that she didn't intend it as an insult. Idk if y'all have this overseas, but in Australia we even have a "gang" of lesbians called "dykes on bikes" who come out to every year's Mardi Gras on motorbikes and totally play to the butch stereotype. I'm not sure if that's who she was referring to when she said she hung around lesbians at a young age but it's not like it's an unheard of concept. I've never heard of that in the US. I'm pretty sure it's just an exclusive thing to your Mardi Gras stuff. (Speaking of which, it's nice to know that something from near my city (about an hour away, Mobile, AL) is a big deal across the world. It was the first in the US, but I'm not sure about before in the 1600s... I also recently learned that we used to have a Mardi Gras ball in my city where there was a Mardi Gras king and queen, interesting enough.)
  7. I'm totally getting a whole "Electra Heart" vibe
  8. [iurl=http://www.promonews.tv/interviews/she-isn’t-afraid-anything-–-vincent-haycock-directing-florence-welch]Source[/iurl]
  9. Am I the only one who didn't catch this? Mess lol
  10. Point is, you shouldn't try to make someone feel bad about their body because of weight or what it looks like. That's not something everyone can help. A celebrity or not, you shouldn't try to. If a celeb feels the need to get off of the internet because people are making fun of the way their body is, then you're the ones who's fucked up. Yes, Iggy has said racial stuff, but AB has said worse and for the past few months, Iggy hasn't said anything racial (and when she said "dyke," she stated that she was ignorant to the word being a hate slur because she grew up around lesbians who called themselves that.) Azaelia, on the other hand, turns around to call someone a faggot or white trash. Iggy has stated that she was ignorant to the term "dyke." Not homophobic, but ignorant. Yet, Azaelia thinks this is what a faggot is. A faggot, by Urban Dictionary definition, is "An insulting term for a gay male, usually used by insecure straight males of the teenage persuasion to "show that they are not gay". Still, used among gay men, "faggot" is sometimes a term of affection/badge of pride, but it is still a loaded word." But she doesn't understand how ignorant she is. That's the difference. Azealia deserves nothing. Iggy at least understands what she's saying is wrong.
  11. The problem is how much shit is talked about her BEFORE they were talking about her body. First, it was her music, then her accent, then her hair, then her face, and now it's her body. She's human too and she shouldn't be treated like anything else. Celebs get hate everyday but they also feel. Well, no, it was actually all those racist and homophobic comments she made on Twitter and in song lyrics. She's getting what she deserves, to a certain extent. You can't expect to get away with being straight up racist in the modern day. Someone's inevitably gonna call you out on it. And Azaelia Banks does worse shit EVERY DAY. But oh, nobody ever calls her out on her shit and when they do, people get all defensive and get pressed about it. Edit: And when she gets called out, she cries about it tbh and feels she has some justification on calling people a "faggot" or "white trailer trash" or other discriminately rude terms.
  12. The problem is how much shit is talked about her BEFORE they were talking about her body. First, it was her music, then her accent, then her hair, then her face, and now it's her body. She's human too and she shouldn't be treated like anything else. Celebs get hate everyday but they also feel.
  13. So... does this mean she'll wanna take a ride on his Disco Stick 2.0?
  14. Happy birthday!!!!! (But really, what did you get for you birthday is the real question...? )
  15. Also Elvis is on the list so maybe they are pulling the parody party out again. Why can't Elvis make it? :'(
  16. If they make a Zelda series, there's hope for a Metroid series... Come on, I need to see Samus in real life. Like I need that shit. It would be like a live-action Halo but better.
  17. So here for these two. Do you want to see GOTG together? Let's have a PHF viewing party I guess you can come if you sit at the sexually active band geeks or cool Asians table? But you just can't sit with Cypher & I. Ugh okay fine. #r00d The fact that you didn't respond with a Mean Girls reference is exactly why you can't sit with us. Go home.
  18. So here for these two. Do you want to see GOTG together? Let's have a PHF viewing party I guess you can come if you sit at the sexually active band geeks or cool Asians table? But you just can't sit with Cypher & I. Ugh okay fine. #r00d
  19. So here for these two. Do you want to see GOTG together? Let's have a PHF viewing party
  20. WAIT TOY STORY 4?!?! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!?!?!?! :stretcher: :stretcher:
  21. Avril Lavigne had a 4 year wait and it's what has her in this flopping stage...
  22. Captain Marvel is a man though and Ms. Marvel is a woman ;-; [iurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol_Danvers]Carol Danvers[/iurl] is Ms. Marvel's name... This is [iurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Marvel_(DC_Comics)]Captain Marvel/Shazam[/iurl]
  23. So... I found this girl on YouTube when I was trying to find covers of a song by BANKS (Beggin For Thread) and I thought of doing a thread for covers of songs that deserve some kind of attention. Check this one out... 3GbZ6q4KXho
  24. [iurl=http://www.ew.com/article/2015/02/05/katy-perry-gets-her-own-free-play-mobile-game-following-super-bowl-halftime-show]Source[/iurl]
  25. You can always hope
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