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Everything posted by Carcunt

  1. 5x22 is by far my favourite episode of the series. This season's been eh for me as far as the storyline is concerned. I find this season to be really messy. And Ric needs to die again and stay dead, his acting sucks and he's overdramatizing things, especially with the Ascendant.
  2. Did the last Winnie the Pooh really not do well? :'( I actually really enjoyed it and thought it was a nice change from all the predictably fast-paced CGI films they've released lately! I'm kiiiiind of here for the Mulan film, just because I think it would be interesting to see a version of the story closer to the original Chinesse mythology. But Winnie The Pooh just sounds weird. As much as I love the idea of a grown up Christopher Robin, how the hell are they planning on animating all of those characters realistically? Never gonna work tbh. I'd like to see Mulan, but Winnie The Pooh... I'm kind of on the fence about this one. They could do it well (Alice In Wonderland 2010) or they could do it terribly. But, it's Disney. I expect them to do it justice. I would have had high hopes for them as well, but look at what they did to Maleficent. That movie had so much promise and they totally butchered it. I loved Maleficent because of how different it was...
  3. I'm watching S6 E10 atm, actually. I need to catch up with the season...
  4. I want a boob job, my tits are too small :'( I wanna look like this
  5. I saw Lucy Hale live one time. I stay for twenty minutes and then left. It was a free concert in the middle of my mall...
  6. I'm kiiiiind of here for the Mulan film, just because I think it would be interesting to see a version of the story closer to the original Chinesse mythology. But Winnie The Pooh just sounds weird. As much as I love the idea of a grown up Christopher Robin, how the hell are they planning on animating all of those characters realistically? Never gonna work tbh. I'd like to see Mulan, but Winnie The Pooh... I'm kind of on the fence about this one. They could do it well (Alice In Wonderland 2010) or they could do it terribly. But, it's Disney. I expect them to do it justice.
  7. That second one is terrifying! I KNOW but tbhoneee I thought you all would enjoy it
  8. Grime's dates start a few days after Courtney's ends, so it looks like Grimes is just there for the second half Yeah, I didn't know this when I posted this, I was told after the fact lol chill the fuck out everyone (or continue while I sit here and watch...)
  9. So, it looks like the Endless Summer Tour no longer will be with Courtney Love, but instead, with Grimes. [iurl=http://"https://www.facebook.com/actuallygrimes/photos/a.522665154442120.1073741825.133232266718746/876832289025403/?type=1&permPage=1]Source[/iurl]
  10. He basically got all the voice actors back together to do a video together and set up a petition for Cartoon Network to give the new show, Galactic: Kids Next Door, the greenlight. ?v=kPni6B2d9QM [iurl=https://www.change.org/p/cartoon-network-greenlight-galactic-kids-next-door-series]Click here[/iurl] to go to the petition and sign that shit!!
  11. Tomorrow and Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne always used to make me cry because it made me think of my grandpa when he died a few years back
  12. Your Band Is All The Rage and Pawn Shop Blues by Lana :'(
  13. Isn't this the group who made a song about putting keys in the air and making them jingle or some shit?
  14. I got tipsy on New Years and told my dad about it like a month ago and he told me he can't even hold two shots of vodka or he falls asleep...
  15. I just googled "welcome to my wild world. my dark city- my dark people" and all that comes up is stuff about Lana Del Rey... maybe the first single is called Eclipse, with the lyrics "welcome to my wild world. my dark city- my dark people" We could speculate all day long but we'll never be sure because mostly everything Lana does/says, she has a specific meaning behind. I guess we can wait these next few weeks out until the single announcement.
  16. Who else's dick hasn't been in her? She had to get the last one in Ellie Goulding... or the one of the last 5...
  17. Good luck to him I guess? I can't see all the 1D fans running out to buy his solo material after he ruined their lives forever, and I don't think anyone over 20 is gonna take him seriously enough to buy his shit, but it could possibly work if it was marketed right I guess. Did you forget about Justin Timberlake and where he came from though? I honestly think the only reason why he left, or even joined, was because he wanted was looking for the fame to jumpstart his solo career? Fair point. Although to be fair I feel the level of ridiculousness is higher among the 1D fanbase than it was over N*SYNC? That could just be my lack of knowledge about them tho. That also might have to do with the internet.
  18. Now that I've heard the second single (and still skipped the first one) I really like it and the sound of it... but I don't think it's enough to sell the album like UV or Artpop, really, and those were considered flops. I expect this to either flop hard or the anticipation is what'll sell it (if it doesn't leak before it goes on sale.)
  19. Good luck to him I guess? I can't see all the 1D fans running out to buy his solo material after he ruined their lives forever, and I don't think anyone over 20 is gonna take him seriously enough to buy his shit, but it could possibly work if it was marketed right I guess. Did you forget about Justin Timberlake and where he came from though? I honestly think the only reason why he left, or even joined, was because he wanted was looking for the fame to jumpstart his solo career?
  20. It'll perform okay, I think. I don't expect it to slam the charts as hard as her past stuff. I skipped the first single and just don't care to try to find and listen to the second one tbh so...
  21. Guys!! I found this AMAZING new workout everyone should try! ?v=vdX_OBUeHb4
  22. You can now legally pay for it though (and use a VPN to view any other countries' Netflix.) And yeah, different streams is how many people can use it at once, I think. So wait...If I paid for it with an Australian PayPal I could still use a VPN to access the American version? Are you sure about that? That's how VPN services work. You can switch any website to any American (or any other country, for that matter) version. Hola for Chrome is the best, most popular one. I'm about 90% sure it would work there in AU, since it does in the UK, Canada, US, Mexico, and most other places, but I'm not 100% sure so maybe do some googling before you go buy anything?
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