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Everything posted by RedBloodedWoman

  1. Oh if we’re brigning in pms I still have all the ones feom you begging me for Kylie songs & titles. I’ve done nothing to you expect a laugh emoji, if that bothers you that bad you seriously need a professional
  2. Obsession & jealousy. I’m truly on your mind rent free wow, you seriously need help
  3. Psychotic stalkers, it’s mental illness I’ve done nothing but talk about music & people insert themselves in it
  4. Because we all know I LOVE TO EXPLAIN…

    Kicking off these vintage boots & unwinding to the deluxe edition of “Tension”-:wink:

  5. Should've been the album cover


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I said the same thing! At least they should have colourised it red and made it the Padam Padam single cover

  6. “Darenote” is moreso her company like “Britney Brands” vs an actual record label, she still had it when she was on Parlophone. The label still has a say in her final product
  7. The fact that they even considered giving Better Than Today a single treatment shows how out of touch Parlophone was. We still got an amazing tour, visuals, & merchandise. The vinyl is so thick & glossy on pressed actual heavyweight, compared to the way they handled Kiss Me Once it was much more successful! Wish she'd just start her own label at this point, she has an insane ear for music & knows what works best for her. Her unfiltered artistic output is still waiting to shine
  8. Love seeing all the sudden love for Kylie, she's truly the definition of underrated in the states. Almost everyone over 20 knows Can't Get You Outta My Head & the old folks know Locomotion they just don't know that she sings them... Get Outta My Way deserved to smash. Britney's team tried so hard to get it for her after hearing the demo, but Kylie had already put on a hold on it & demo'd it, unlike most producers Cutfather refused & wanted Kylie to have it. He ended up revamping the production specifically for her.
  9. I’ve yet to hear a bad song named “Sweet Spot”.. 500x better than “Alone”


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedBloodedWoman


      Haha Kylie ironically has a song with the same title that’s even better

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      My DMs are open :wink: 

    4. RedBloodedWoman


      Sweet Spot leaked:wink:

  10. The way Britney could've had her own Ray of Light if she left Stay, Strangest Love, Don't Hang Up, & Free on the standard version of In The Zone.. next to Breathe on Me, Touch of My Hand, & Early Mornin they would've created the most mystical soundscape. :wink:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Delete Boom Boom, The Hook Up and Brave New Girl, and add Don't Hang Up, And Then We Kiss and Over to You Now  :hail:

    3. RedBloodedWoman


      See I like Hook Up & Brave New Girl! If you listen to the outro you can tell that Brave New Girl was originally supposed to flow into Don’t Hang Up, BNG sounded 1000x better unmastered as well :/ 

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      It's not like either are horrible! I just feel like they sound like stuff she already had either on Britney or ITZ and so many of the unreleased/bonus tracks were a little more unique and tbh have aged better than a lot of the pop/R&B stuff :awkwardney:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RedBloodedWoman


      Leaking bottom of the barrel Kiss Me Once/Golden/Disco outtakes doesn't effect me in any way. I don't sell.

    3. 911


      I'm writing in my diary all my secrets probably, also all my daydreams woo-o-oh ...


    4. RedBloodedWoman


      It’s apparent you’re trying to be obtuse, but I’m actually 🤣

  12. Do you not remember me having this convo with you when I was drunk? One of several people obsessed with me copy made an account & copy pasted the comment i edited away. Not me. Why even bump this a month latsr when everyone else is trying to weirdly come at me? It’s probably one of the psychos in the MT thread rn
  13. Does anyone have Sabrina Carpenter's "Wife" in lossless or AAC/CDQ?

  14. Sending good energy to everyone ♥️

  15. It's so nostalgic burning your own CDs & listening to them in the car after you leave the studio, but Is there any way to get Apple Music to stop downscaling .wav files to m4a????????? You can stream "their" audio in lossless, why not your own? 

  16. The only thing that makes me think this may be real is that "24" was originally meant for Bond, what's the source?
  17. It's giving Deep House Dish vibes I hope the pro tools start going around soon, because there's alot of protentional. Oliver ruins it.
  18. Karen wrote on New York City I'm so excited to hear what they cooked up in the studio these past few months, I haven't heard any of the songs they did together yet but the new stuff I have heard is even better than Disco! Top of Q3 would be perfect timing for the lead single.
  19. Mountain stands higher after the fire:yeah:

  20. Angel watchu smokin?

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