Mods crack me UP, pissed about someone laughing about a fake leak while providing them a better version they downloaded but ignoring weird & negative behavior like this. Not surprised.
Also, Lonely (among several other alts) is literally addicted sober & there’s a entire thread dedication to someone who does nothing but trade & celebrate music. My instincts are sharp as a whip & I’m not the kind of person who goes around bashing strangers online & trying to call them “scammers” because I’m jealous of them. I don’t even call you a stalker… or a hacker… or even just pure evil for all the unhinged illegal shit you’ve done to some poor people online who’ve reached out to me. Like the enigmatic chanteuse I don’t keep shit local anymore everything’s on external drives, my DATS tapes are even in a safe deposit at the bank after the Dahmer like behavior I’ve heard about you & a couple of other people who were targeting a dear friend. Wildest part is that Inalmost ended up being friends with you years ago & have even tried being nice to you after the nasty things you’ve done, but after all the people who’ve warned me about you & your antics towards me I’m so glad I stayed far far away. I mean ALOT. I don’t regret all the times I’ve been nice to you, because I’m a loving person at heart but you seriously either need to get a hobby or stop thinking about me 24/7. I genuinely don’t care whatsoever.
Also, thank you so much for reminding me of some good memories. Kylie was a true sweetheart, she went over our time limit & we got some cute pictures & videos.- she even signed the front jacket of my vinyl with a lyric & both inner sleeves. I’m sure you wouldn’t know shit about an industry you don’t work in while you’re too busy playing with rocks to know that producer’s homes are rotating doors & producers have different instrumentalists in & out all week. I don’t place my entire worth in what people online think about me, so I truly don’t give a fuck of you don’t believe me but I have worked with a man who played on 3 Honeymoon songs & 2 UV songs coming out this year.. Beautiful memories, looking forward to seeing him when I permanently re-locate back West after my vacations. The fact that you’re pushing 50 & constantly lingering on every word I say is just pathetic. Jealousy is truly a disease, I’m not gonna waste time talking Dax & his constant begging for leaks & spreading of misinformation because everyone knows he’s just pretending to be an insider while having little to no shit. Almost every negative situation on this site reminds me of a piece of advice I got from someone when I first started recording professionally. Wild. Anyways, Shoutout to all the beautiful souls who can see through the lies, bullshit & jealousy. Thank you for the great trades, this site isn’t even below surface level on the music trading scene