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Everything posted by RedBloodedWoman

  1. Are we ready to admit "As Mean As You" is top tier Cry Baby era Sky?

  2. Should've added the solo version of Push It as a bonus track
  3. Happy holidays, hope everyone is having a delicious winter so far ;) 

  4. I agree. I know she doesn’t like Restless but it would be a great addition to the album given how much everyone loves it (+ she’s already planning on following up with another album shortly after this one). We basically have the official track-list don’t we? I delusionally hope she adds Last Call Lover, Rewind Your Heart, & East Side Boy, but since it’s all on her own dime it won’t be as easy to give us the delicious 16 track album we would all be so fed with after waiting so many years - if she can’t get the rights to Right Now I hope she leaks it anonymously because I don’t know anyone who has it & it sounded amazing live
  5. These are in slightly better quality than the ones here & has a few songs this is missing: https://www.mediafire.com/?dzj1izmyjgu x
  6. Wow I had no clue she did a Cathy Dennis cover! So cute
  7. Baby in the shotgun:wink:

  8. Has anyone heard the new Britney/Will song yet? Don’t know anyone who has it, I hope it’s real:detective:

  9. Does anyone have any favorite artists or songs they’ve discovered thanks to this site? Ayesha Erotica comes to mind
  10. I know the instrumental and vocal track for Poppy’s version of Guns and Gold surfaced, but did the writer’s demo ever leak? I don’t follow Poppy

  11. Imma do it real real real real nice ;)

    1. quiet


      Jayden to Britney : (her) social media posts are 'something to get attention'

      Quiet to Redbloodedwoman : his feed's posts are 'something to get attention'

    2. RedBloodedWoman


      I love my fans! God bless you! Keep thinkin about me honey x

  12. The Answer actual demo clip: https://dbree.org/v/f8e4e2

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. quiet


      Lol. We broke up, you have to deal with it. Go cry about Jack.

    3. quiet


      I'm the hot one ;) 

    4. RedBloodedWoman


      Yeah honey you got the wrong person, I hope you’re joking because projecting your long love onto a stranger online is not it baby

  13. Lmfao Eclipsoda is a scammer straight out the trash bin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedBloodedWoman


      Yet another irrelevant person who’ll never know me putting in their 2 cents🤣 Slay sis! Omg!

    3. RedBloodedWoman


      Not the loser who said Dr Luke is innocent & lied about Paris randomly stating she never did a shoot for her 2nd album in her memoir!! I love my fans, but not trash like you… brush up on your english before littering your shitty takes on my page xx

    4. quiet


      please buy yourself a brain. Luke is innocent. He never raped Kesha. 

  14. I’ll be your best friend… your sex friend… your kitten:hottie:

  15. WOW YOU WERE PHISHING FOR TITLES AND DIDN’T GET ANY AND THAT’S WHY YOU’RE OBSESSED WITH ME! The entire initial message is giving senile 47 year old man. Ignored list coming in clutch. Don’t waste my time anymore. Yikes 2,1,3,4 not putting in the effort to fix on mobile I’m about to go have a marvelous day. Remember everyone, watch out for Dax the phisher! So fake at pretending to trade he says people who keep titles private have “no song information”. Trash. Whole different type of loser to waste your time obsessing over someone you don’t know & I won’t be sinking to that level.
  16. Who the fuck are you? You’re not addicted sober, you popped up in my DMS asking for info of Kylie tracks I don’t know you. The few people I actually do vibe with on here says it’s blatant you’re a poser who pretends like they know what they’re talking about. I’ll post the messages from the “friendship” you tried initiating with me then bouncing. Lame and boring I don’t owe you shit. I’d never heard seen your name until 2 months ago & your nose was up my ass. Done wasting my energy talking to you, you really wanna be relevant so bad. @Beauty King& I peeped it years ago. Absolutely hilarious when you were posting misinformation on the Kylie leaks you knew nothing about. You don’t know me. You never will. Only conversation I had with you until your jealous ass kept my name in your gingivitis ridden mouth. Get a life.mp3 WOW YOU WERE PHISHING FOR TITLES
  17. You must live in squalor to be so concerned about the way I live like its so extravagant. The music industry in monetarily an illusion but you get to do what you love. Not sure what’s 90’s rap video about getting high in Denver & living in the Valley. You guys are fucking weird, get a life if it’s not your jealousy it’s your 9 to 5/nasty spirit in general making you so obsessed with me. Keep replying done with the thread. @camilareal @Dax Diameter
  18. Mods crack me UP, pissed about someone laughing about a fake leak while providing them a better version they downloaded but ignoring weird & negative behavior like this. Not surprised. Also, Lonely (among several other alts) is literally addicted sober & there’s a entire thread dedication to someone who does nothing but trade & celebrate music. My instincts are sharp as a whip & I’m not the kind of person who goes around bashing strangers online & trying to call them “scammers” because I’m jealous of them. I don’t even call you a stalker… or a hacker… or even just pure evil for all the unhinged illegal shit you’ve done to some poor people online who’ve reached out to me. Like the enigmatic chanteuse I don’t keep shit local anymore everything’s on external drives, my DATS tapes are even in a safe deposit at the bank after the Dahmer like behavior I’ve heard about you & a couple of other people who were targeting a dear friend. Wildest part is that Inalmost ended up being friends with you years ago & have even tried being nice to you after the nasty things you’ve done, but after all the people who’ve warned me about you & your antics towards me I’m so glad I stayed far far away. I mean ALOT. I don’t regret all the times I’ve been nice to you, because I’m a loving person at heart but you seriously either need to get a hobby or stop thinking about me 24/7. I genuinely don’t care whatsoever. Also, thank you so much for reminding me of some good memories. Kylie was a true sweetheart, she went over our time limit & we got some cute pictures & videos.- she even signed the front jacket of my vinyl with a lyric & both inner sleeves. I’m sure you wouldn’t know shit about an industry you don’t work in while you’re too busy playing with rocks to know that producer’s homes are rotating doors & producers have different instrumentalists in & out all week. I don’t place my entire worth in what people online think about me, so I truly don’t give a fuck of you don’t believe me but I have worked with a man who played on 3 Honeymoon songs & 2 UV songs coming out this year.. Beautiful memories, looking forward to seeing him when I permanently re-locate back West after my vacations. The fact that you’re pushing 50 & constantly lingering on every word I say is just pathetic. Jealousy is truly a disease, I’m not gonna waste time talking Dax & his constant begging for leaks & spreading of misinformation because everyone knows he’s just pretending to be an insider while having little to no shit. Almost every negative situation on this site reminds me of a piece of advice I got from someone when I first started recording professionally. Wild. Anyways, Shoutout to all the beautiful souls who can see through the lies, bullshit & jealousy. Thank you for the great trades, this site isn’t even below surface level on the music trading scene
  19. We should really rename the section in honor of me. I truly have the most unique fans, belly dancing to the lossless mix of Kylie Minogue’s “You’re the One” in lossless in honor of you all in hot rollers to some super fabulous tunes
  20. “The police”😂😂😂😂 You truly are twisted in the head you must be the one that says “saved”… weirdo! I’ve never hacked to anything in my life. Posting about enjoying music js illegal. I truly feel sorry for the prople who deal with you, im assuming its just the voices in your head. I could never imagine saving everything skneone I’ve never met has posted online. I am SCREAMING
  21. Also, who the fuck is Duff Ive mever sooken to you in my life… yikes. Guess you’re that weirdo from leaked
  22. You must be pretty Lonely to save all my post, what a sad existence. Keep thinkin of me if you want, you’ll never get me . Think I’ll show Sky this thread at her show
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