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Everything posted by RedBloodedWoman

  1. I've always been obsessed with the "kiss me on the couch, candy in my mouth lyric" (iykyk), but Bonnie said it wasn't on the album on IG live
  2. This isn't real, Electric Heaven isn't on the album
  3. If she did collab w this person it's probably for his single, I don't think any of the fans would be excited or care about an unknown
  4. Who is this Liam person?
  5. Buy it, it's literally 80 something cents
  6. I live for your energy, it's so positive & appreciative
  7. I Wanna Call You is so basic, I appreciate it for the backstory she shared ages ago but it’s genuinely not enjoyable unless the new version is something new & spectacular. Everything But You is melancholic high, if Katy released it it would’ve smashed. There’s no radio singles & this album is just a gift to the fans. Sucks Last Call Lover didn’t make the tracklist, it’s top 5 from all the epic tracks
  8. Both Forever 21 & Everything But You would do 1000x better than Call You , it’s the least timeless out of all the Epic tracks
  9. Giving disco tits a whole new meaning
  10. You had em sweatin girl
  11. I worry about you people, that interview clearly isn’t real
  12. Can you mirror the video!?
  13. Obsessed with the video
  14. It's not a mystery it's antiquated and set up to exploit artists with maximum earnings going to the execs. They see someone they can commoditize and work to death like they did with Britney. At the end of the day the artist may be in it for the music/art, but the people they sign their lives away to are in it for the money.
  15. When did she say she didn’t like Last Call Lover?
  16. She could still re-record Last Call Lover and Somebody's Gonna Get Hurt if she bought them back, but she said she's not going to because Greg's production was amazing and it would be disrespectful to have someone else re-do it. (Greg is a legend in the songwriting community, I've worked with producers who have been producing for over a decade who revere him- I agree he's fucking amazing too) "Right Now" is another one that was way too expensive to buy back and some old dude from a 70/80s rock band played on the original version so it would be hard to capture the essence of the original.
  17. This message is EVERYTHING. So catty, entitled, & negative. It's only the ones who are miserable and have nothing going for themselves, they get psychotic when they don't get something that'll give them a temporary dopamine boost and try to attack other's who have something they want. It's genuinely pathetic, it says a lot about their spirit-so many artists are sensitive to energy & I've always said that their favs would absolutely despise having these type people in their presence if they ever got the chance to meet them in person.
  18. iii can beee as meeaaan as uuu:dealwithit:

  19. She looks excited
  20. Of course, if you google her name + any song from the Hot CIty tracklist this is one of the first 5 pages to show up
  21. Isn't April the tentative release date?
  22. Physical copies are supposed to be coming too, hopefully she ended up getting the rights to "Last Call Lover" back
  23. Message in a bottle :wink:

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