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Everything posted by RedBloodedWoman

  1. Crossin the river...whisper in my ear

  2. It can't all be champagne & roses...

  3. What are your current favorite songs?

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Billie Eilish - L'amour de ma vie

  4. Baby in the shotgun:wink:

  5. Had the record on repeat all day! I’m so proud of her giving this project the CPR it deserved, Show You Mine, Just a Kiss, Forever 21, Sleepwalker & Jenny are current favorites. I’m interested to see the direction she goes with her follow up next year! After giving the world so many classic pop staples she deserves her moment. Cheers Bonnie!
  6. It’s like Kidz Bop, how did he SMASH Jenny’s production & then do what he did to Call You & Rewind + (I’m assuming) the mastering of the entire record?
  7. Show Me Your Love is PERFECT! Clicked, it’s a hit
  8. Listening to the lossless master & the quality/production sound so much better. The mastering is still iffy in spots, but it’s not as jarring as I initially thought. Grateful she invested so much time/energy into this + it’s finally on streaming. Hopefully physicals are announced soon. Edit: It’s so interesting hearing this mix of Sleepwalker in hi-res! Just a Kiss is THAT girl, if anyone has the demo DM me
  9. This is the tracklist I’m using, it flows perfectly: 1. American Girl 2: Slay (2020 Version) 3: Forever 21 (Original) 4. Hot City 5. Electric Heaven 6. Sleepwalker (the remastered version she released a few years ago) 7. Show You Mine 8. Just a Kiss 9. Jenny 10. Last Call Lover 11. Somebody’s Gonna Get Hurt 12. I Wanna Call You (Original) 13. Rewind (Original) 14. Everything But You (Original) 15. Stars In Your Heart
  10. Just listened to the entire thing, Just a Kiss is insane Best non single from the album! I don’t understand the mastering on several tracks, it hurts to hear Everything But You like this-especially next to Stars In Your Heart’s perfection. Electric Heaven is better in the verses, then the mastering in the chorus gets weird. She needs to release the stems & let the fans fix & remix it, several tracks unfortunately feel rushed. I hope she ditches the David guy & works with Oliver + someone new on the follow up. Top 5 (excluding American Girl): Forever 21 (iconic) Just a Kiss (incredible) Jenny (funky) Sleepwalker (brilliant) Hot City (hawt) Skips: Snatched DGMGF 8/10 stars, I’m excited for physical copies Edit: I listened to the lossless master & it’s much more palatable. I think the lyric changes in Everything But You were jarring at first, but I can actually enjoy it in hi-res. I’ll re-access my review later. It’s easy to have demoitis for the originals since we’ve lived with them for so long, I’m truly grateful it’s out & monetized Edit again: So I’ve been tweaking the hi-res files & the probably really is in the mastering alot of these are actually GREAT. I actually like Worst In Me now! Fixed Electric Heaven too, I’m gonna sit with the record for a bit & re-rate it next week
  11. Girl you’re already featured on the Bermuda exclusive bonus track “L-I-A-M”, don’t be greedy!
  12. I don’t see her signing another label deal after being fucked over twice, most artists in this day & age benefit from staying indie if they can afford production fees/find good investors/sponsorships
  13. The power of music is so beautiful & undeniable! I’ve have similar feelings towards another artist’s shelved record, Bonnie is truly a real one for investing her time, money & energy into giving Hot City the release & roll out it always deserved
  14. The demo mix of “Scary” I shared a few years ago>>> 

  15. I used to listen to I Dare You & Rules of Attraction all the time in like 2012 -it’s absolutely insane I ended up a regular listener to her music, I’m super hype she’s getting to release the album she’s deserved for over a decade. I remember seeing American Girl on TV when it initially dropped & then she just disappeared, I’m pretty sure it was around the same time Karmin did crash your party/brokenhearted- it would’ve been cool to see her open for them back then in hindsight now. I loved Bombastic & the Jem & the Holograms look in the video when it dropped, but I was always super casual & very selective ex: “I Want It All” was too dark for me, “California Winter” is a masterpiece. I’m genuinely so excited for this entire album campaign & I want her to see her succeed so bad. I’ll be buying all the physical variations
  16. I’m that weirdo would would’ve LOVED new versions of Mine & Love Spell. I have a feeling she’ll bring LS back for the album that’s coming after this
  17. It’s probably because we’ve lived with them for so long, but I still prefer the original versions of Forever 21, (except parts of the production & the middle) SLAY, & Hot City. It would’ve been so interesting to hear what a 2024 version of SGGH & LCL would sound like, but I guess we'll never know. It also seems like Right Now would fit perfectly on the project, I’m really curious how Worst in Me is gonna tie into this, I’m also curious if Sleepwalker & Stars are gonna be new recordings like American Girl is. Super psyched for Bonnie, this is gonna look gorgeous on vinyl!
  18. It makes since if Jessie is the feature on her album, wild to think about her writing for Femme Fatale and Jessie opening up for the Femme Fatale tour this was back in 2007 Let's take a moment to appreciate this classic:
  19. L-I-A-M (feat. Amanda Lepore)
  20. Album IS dropping May 31st!
  21. She said during the Jenny live stream it wasn't on the album, correct me if I'm wrong I don't have the time to watch it again
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