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Kesha Slays

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Everything posted by Kesha Slays

  1. Idk if anyone has done this already, but I'm sure as we all know that Kylie Minogue was offered 'Toxic' by Britney and obviously passed on the song. Idk if she recorded it or not (I'm pretty sure she didn't, but could be wrong) but, if anyone has a Kylie AI model, I am very curious as to how it would sound!! I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier, but I think it's a pretty solid ai cover suggestion!!
  2. I love you! Whenever I'm hurting or in my feelings, etc (whether I be a lil drunk or not) you're right there! I appreciate that so much! Like I can always count on you to cheer me up! I hope you understand how much that means to me (and hopefully everyone else realizes too, I mean we should all be there for each other)! And thank you! I really loved how this came out and I immediately just wanted to share it I guess!
  3. Oh god I don't remember typing this. I fear I might've been a little bit intoxicated when I shared this. Oh this doesn't look good for me. My bad!
  4. I feel like I come here to do 1 of 3 things 1) Share my AI mixes 2) Get up to date about current leaks or 3) Complain. I don't want to be a buzzkill Betty today so, I'm going to wish everyone a Happy Halloween and if you're not celebrating or something, I'm hoping you're having a pleasant Tuesday (or if it's already Wednesday in your section of the world)! 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Happy Halloween bb! Hope you had a fun night and ate lots of candy!

    2. Kesha Slays

      Kesha Slays

      @Main Pop Girl instead of eating candy, I drank a bit of alcohol and hung out with my younger sister and her boyfriend, one of my older brothers, and my sister's friend who moved into the spare room we had in our house. We sang, we joked, we laughed. It was a fun time! I hope you had fun and or at least had a non-chaotic Halloween night! 

  5. I'd love for Bonnie to release some Christmas music! We need 'California Winter' 2.0!
  6. Haven't dressed up for Halloween since like idk 2012? I just lost interest in it once I was a teenager. But, my almost 2 year old nephew is going as Scooby Doo and it's just the cutest thing ever! I'm going to go trick o' treating tomorrow with my sister and nephew and I'm excited for everyone to see how cute he is in his costume!
  7. How come I'm just seeing this now?!? It's really good!
  8. I really done thought i did something with this, but I guess not. Nobody seems interested and I know I shouldn't let that bother me, but it's like, when you think you did a good job on something and you expect people to be amazed or shocked or at the very least give some kind of feedback or suggestions, but you just get no interaction. It just kinda hurts. Idk. Maybe I'm just in my feelings. Sorry for this sappy ass paragraph it's really not this deep lmao.
  9. This is the Google colab notebook I've been using as of lately. Quality is a bit iffy, but it's still listenable especially if you're using high quality material for whatever it is you want the AI model to cover. I personally love this one since it uses gradio, doesn't constantly disconnect you, allows you to cover full songs from both YouTube and your files, and doesn't take so long. https://colab.research.google.com/github/SociallyIneptWeeb/AICoverGen/blob/main/AICoverGen_colab.ipynb
  10. I made this for fun and had no real intentions for it and I'm just flabbergasted! Tell me I'm not crazy: JISOO AI - Like That (Jada) (AI - Ariana Grande)
  11. I'm really sad now cause my almost 2 year old nephew broke my laptop charger so, now I can't make my AI mixes for a while. It was the one thing bringing me joy after losing my precious doggo and my beloved father. I just can't with this year. 2023 is just not going so great for me I guess. What's even worse is I'm going to be cat-sitting soon for like a week or so and I want to bring my laptop, but without a charger it's going to be so boring. I'm just going to cry and hope that'll solve all my problems. Oh god I sound so annoying. Sorry to anyone who's reading this. I'm just upset about being both impatient and broke. 

  12. Oh thank god cause I really do be thinking I sound like a dumb b*tch sometimes when I'm trying to explain things, but I know it's just my nerves messing with head.
  13. Leona Lewis also recorded "We Found Love". I didn't know Nicole did too! Maybe that song got passed around to more artists than I thought?! Hmmm interesting.
  14. I'm just so happy for her! She's doing such a great job promoting and everything! I'm so positive 'Hot City' (the album) is going to get the attention and love it so rightfully deserves!!
  15. I think you can still use Google colab for some things as long as it doesn't involve GPU. But, to be completely honest, I'm not sure exactly. I'm really bad at explaining things sometimes (I probably sound so stupid). This is just what I've been told back when it first got banned in early September. I haven't done any research on what has changed, I was just looking for new ways to make covers lmao 🤣 I really hope this doesn't make things harder for you though cause that would suck! ✌️❤️
  16. This would so be similar to mine back when I had Spotify in like 2017-2018
  17. I found a new way to make the covers but not the models! But Google colab changing their rules (or whatever) so you now have to pay to use the GPU, was so uncalled for and honestly another great example of corporate greed at it's finest. So annoying!
  18. If I can find a way to make a new model that is, I'd love to make a Jordin Sparks AI model! Also wanted to redo my Carly Rae Jepsen AI model.
  19. Not really a fan of her music, but she's super pretty 😍
  20. Thought I'd share the YouTube link for this here for those who might be interested:
  21. Would anyone here be willing to help me out with making me a couple cover artworks? Would be very much appreciated! 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      If you get stuck you can always try AI!

  22. That's honestly really interesting. I just never thought anyone would record music for a deodorant campaign, but I guess that's a thing. Interesting. Cool, I didn't know this!
  23. It's the Way is also an outtake from GP my bad, but the rest of them are covers she did and were not actually intended to make it on the album. I think Ashley was supposedly working on a covers album, but it ultimately ended up being scrapped. But, in all honesty, I'm not sure where those came from?
  24. Whatcha Waiting For, Blame It On The Beat, Shadow of the Night and I'm Back were all released Too Many Walls is the only outtake from GP the rest of these are covers
  25. Having a pretty shit day today, felt like sharing something that shares the same feelings so, I present to you, a creation from my own model: TAEYEON AI - In Case (AI - Demi Lovato)
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