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Kesha Slays

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Everything posted by Kesha Slays

  1. OOOO It does somewhat sound like it could be Bonnie.... edit: Although I'm pretty sure Bonnie didn't record a demo. I think they wrote the song together while working in the studio so if anything she could've just provided some backing vocals. Of course I'm no expert so I might be wrong.
  2. To be completely honest, I don't have any ill-will towards Kim. She's out there doing her thing, which although I'm not a fan of, I'm not going to criticize and bully her for it like some Kesha fans have. I just ignore her at all costs. All I remember reading (I don't remember the source all that well, maybe somewhere on twitter?) is that Kesha fans don't like Kim Petras simply because she doesn't believe Kesha and that she wholeheartedly supports Dr. Luke and thinks very highly of him in spite of the abuse allegations against him. With that twitter quote, you have to read between the lines. Kim said "I wouldn’t work with somebody I believe to be an abuser of women, definitely not." With that said, Kim doesn't believe Dr. Luke is an abuser of women. Kesha is a woman who alleges that Dr. Luke abused her. Therefore, Kim doesn't believe Kesha. Just because it wasn't direct doesn't mean that it wasn't implied. With Doja Cat, things are a bit more complicated. A few months ago I left a comment on a Kesha fan's Instagram post asking "what does the Animal fandom (what Kesha calls her fans) think of Doja Cat and how they think about her working with Dr. Luke?" One user said that, "Although I don't listen to her music, I respect her as an artist and a person." Another user added, "She doesn't work with Dr. Luke willingly, she wants to get out of the contract she has with his label." And it was at this moment I thought I finally understood everything but, then someone sent me a DM saying that Doja Cat does work with Dr. Luke and she praises him and everything. The user sent me a link to something explaining this. I had such mixed feelings afterwards. I still am very confused regarding her situation with Dr. Luke. I'm not really that bothered by her though cause I really don't listen to her music except the remix of "34+35" she did with Ariana Grande and Meg Thee Stallion.
  3. lmao I loved this reference
  4. I remember hearing something somewhere that although Doja Cat has been under contract with him since 2013, she doesn't want to be under a contract with him anymore and she wasn't necessarily working with him willingly. But, I've heard that's not true and she does work with him willingly. So, to be honest I truly don't know about her and that situation. I do know that Kim Petras gets a lot of criticism (especially from Kesha fans) because she outright said that she doesn't believe Kesha and that Kesha is lying. I didn't know about The Weeknd working with him or DISGASTING Banks (mostly cause I don't really listen to either of them too often). But, I'm not entirely surprised about Mariah supporting "he who shall not be named" cause she's done some shady stuff in the past (ex; denied her relationship with Eminem).
  5. Would anyone be interested in a TAEYEON masterpost for her solo music? I've been sort of working on one for over a month so Idk if y'all would want me to post it or something?!?

    1. nuclear


      omg yes i would love it

  6. they're mad because they had the tracks vaulted and were trading/selling them and someone generously leaked em
  7. Very random question and sort of off topic (although not entirely) but, do y'all think we'll get Bonnie's demo of "There Will Be Tears"?? Ever since I found out that she wrote that song I just really want to hear her voice singing it.
  8. It's definitely filled with history and culture but, yeah no I agree it def gives off masc straight guy vibes. Lmao I actually get that a lot when I bring up the fact that I was born in Boston but, unfortunately no, I don't have an accent. I wish I did tho, I find it so funny.
  9. I'm going to try to stay away from the political side of this thread (mostly because I don't fully understand everything that's going on other than the basics that everyone knows) and tell y'all about something more 'spiritual' and 'personal' for a lack of better words. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States and I only lived there for about 5 years before me and my family moved halfway cross the state to Western Mass. Every now and then I get to visit Boston and see my family for one event or the other and everytime I'm there I feel so nostalgic cause it's my childhood home and although I wasn't there long it truly and completely feels like home to me. I have way more family in Boston than I do here and there's so much more to do and places to go in Boston and overall it's so much fun everytime I'm there. Let's be real though, Boston and it's people, government, etc are far from perfect. For example, in 2019 (or 2020?) some narcissistic, homophobic, racist MASSHOLE decided to throw a "Straight Pride" parade (y'all I seriously can't with this). Also the city has some of the worsy traffic with even more horrible drivers. The drivers here would rather cause a major collison than let you cut in their lanes. But, in spite of all that chaos, I'd still love to move back there in a more permenant situation. Idk how or when or if at all but, I hope to move back there one day. Get to live the city life, walk along the beaches, go out to bars, walk my dog, etc, etc. I just know I'd be so happy there.
  10. I really want to hear Rita's scrapped verse from the R Kelly remix of "Let Me Love You" by DJ Snake I know an extremely low quality snippet exists but to hear the whole full version in HQ would be nice
  11. I was today years old when I found out that Bonnie wrote Miranda Cosgrove's "There Will Be Tears" Have always loved this song and now I understand why
  12. RnBebe ha I liked that 🤣
  13. with the exception of Bebe's demo of Crowded Room cause I'm dying to hear it in full
  14. thank youuuu!!!! I love these songs so much!! i appreciate this a lot!
  15. Does anyone have Kerli's demos of Hilary Duff's "Confetti" (Originally titled "Running") and "Skyscraper"? I know "Running" leaked a long time ago since I heard it before but, I lost my file. I'm not entirely sure if her demo to Skyscraper leaked. I believe it did cause I might've heard a snippet of it. I just can't remeber and I can't seem to find them online and It's killing me! very appreciated if someone can help!
  16. I'm currently playing Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic II and wordscapes lmao, KOTOR2 is fun but, I play wordscapes because it's important to stimulate the brain or something like that. It's supposed to help with your memory functions and keep that in tact. I used to play Pokemon Go but not so much anymore. I can't wait to play Star Wars Legos: The Rise of Skywalker/The Skywalker Saga when they release it but the company who's making it keeps delaying the release.
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