I'm going to try to stay away from the political side of this thread (mostly because I don't fully understand everything that's going on other than the basics that everyone knows) and tell y'all about something more 'spiritual' and 'personal' for a lack of better words.
I was born in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States and I only lived there for about 5 years before me and my family moved halfway cross the state to Western Mass.
Every now and then I get to visit Boston and see my family for one event or the other and everytime I'm there I feel so nostalgic cause it's my childhood home and although I wasn't there long it truly and completely feels like home to me. I have way more family in Boston than I do here and there's so much more to do and places to go in Boston and overall it's so much fun everytime I'm there. Let's be real though, Boston and it's people, government, etc are far from perfect. For example, in 2019 (or 2020?) some narcissistic, homophobic, racist MASSHOLE decided to throw a "Straight Pride" parade (y'all I seriously can't with this). Also the city has some of the worsy traffic with even more horrible drivers. The drivers here would rather cause a major collison than let you cut in their lanes.
But, in spite of all that chaos, I'd still love to move back there in a more permenant situation. Idk how or when or if at all but, I hope to move back there one day. Get to live the city life, walk along the beaches, go out to bars, walk my dog, etc, etc. I just know I'd be so happy there.