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Kesha Slays

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Everything posted by Kesha Slays

  1. Here's a list of AI generated mixes that I thought were both very interesting and kinda accurate at least to some extent:
  2. This is the smartest thing I've heard anyone say ever.
  3. Oooo yeah I can see that. I totally get what you're talking about! I'm just flabbergasted at the fact that it's AI! It's not really Britney. Although, it lacks her personal touches, Britney's main vocal tone is definitely present here. This AI mix is missing the special adlibs and vocal runs (that are common in Britney songs) to truly make it more authentically Britney.. And believe it or not, someone did in fact make a Britney AI mix of "Milkshake", to me it doesn't really sound like her tho. In some parts sure, but not as much as in "Cry Me A River"!
  4. I just want an album that Britney herself approves and is proud of
  5. I fear you might be right 😭 but, I still love Selena's low notes and falsettos! The only problem I have with this AI generated mix is that pre-chorus in the second verse, but that's to be expected with AI. It's obviously not a perfect science, but in a few years, I bet it'll be nearly perfected.
  6. Tell me this doesn't sound like Britney throughout a good majority of the song. Go ahead, tell me! I'm serious tho, this is so spot on it's crazy!! To me, only the last idk maybe 20 seconds don't sound like her, but the rest... Call me impressed.
  7. You know what I wonder? If Cymphonique Miller, who was featured on the bridge of "I Know You Know", ever recorded a solo version? Mostly because they played a lil bit of what I can only assume is her demo in the episode she guest starred in. Would you happen to know anything about that?
  8. You sound just like me right here! I so relate to this! Especially with the meeting the deadlines, cause I also never meet them! 🤣
  9. I loved watching their show!! I even remember watching the premiere of the movie, which was in November 2009 if I recall correctly, that came before the show!! I rewatch it at least once a year! So funny and it's far less inappropriate (this might not be the right word, but I'm going with it for the time being) than other Nickelodeon shows airing at the time! BTR was literally part of my childhood, I still listen to their first album sometimes when I'm walking my dog lmao
  10. You have a point here. I thought people here would be raving over the leak of Bonnie's "Dumb Blonde" worktapes, but I think maybe one person showed interest. There was also a leak (back in December I believe) of a song that was somewhat highly requested and when it leaked, nobody, I mean nobody, talked about it. This thread has been dead since late summer-early autumn last year. Kinda sad if you think about it.
  11. I wonder if she ever worked with Bebe prior to HWWIW?
  12. Idk why but I really liked this one
  13. I knew TIOS was always a bonus track, but I didn't know about Stuck being one as well! I guess I assumed that the standard was always 13 tracks and not 11, but that actually makes more sense.
  14. Oooo that's interesting! I also happen to notice this tracklist is missing "Stuck" and "This Is Our Someday". Maybe they weren't recorded yet or something? Idk. However, I think TIOS was always meant to be a bonus track, so I'm not too surprised it doesn't appear on this early tracklist, but for "Stuck" not to be there is rather odd.
  15. 'Fine' by TAEYEON is by far my favorite song of all time. I don't think I've gone a day without listening to it, singing a long (to the English translated lyrics) to it or even listening to the live concert version ever since I initially first heard it. I've even began trying to sing a bit of the Korean lyrics. Idk why it has such a strong effect on me, but it does. Idk. It's just so beautiful in IMO. Also that high note in the final chorus. Wow!
  16. I'll link Bonnie's worktapes/demos here for those who may want to add them to their collections or whatever dbree links Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde worktape 3 w_post Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde worktape 4 no post Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde full worktape 1 Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde full worktape 2 Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde no post chorus Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde worktape no post chorus Avril Lavigne - Dumb Blonde new scratch vocal (Bonnie McKee post chorus) Krakenfiles links Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde worktape 3 w_post Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde worktape 4 no post Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde full worktape 1 Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde full worktape 2 Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde no post chorus Bonnie McKee - Dumb Blonde worktape no post chorus Avril Lavigne - Dumb Blonde new scratch vocal (Bonnie McKee post chorus)
  17. There is! There's one demo with Avril singing the main verses, bridge and chorus, but with Bonnie singing Avril's lyrics to the post chorus! In this demo instead of Bonnie singing "watch me, watch me, watch me prove you wrong" she sings "here we go, here we go, here we go".
  18. You take all the time you need! I love seeing how hard working you are! Truly inspiring! Wish I had your patience.
  19. Ooooooh that's such a good idea! Especially cause her demo will probably never leak or it'll leak ten years from now.
  20. Uhhhhh what the hell?!? I- was I hacked or something?!
  21. I don't understand. I think I was hacked. Sorry for this embarrassment omg. Admins please feel free to delete this! Imma go and change my password now.
  22. Maybe I misheard? I probably did. "Take a break" makes more sense as to why she came back to release new music not too long after. Thank you for informing me!
  23. I thought I was sharing some decent content, but from the lack of interaction I feel like maybe nobody here cares. Should I stop? I mean I don't care if you don't react to it or something, I'm not looking for attention, it'd just be nice to know if I'm wasting my time posting it here. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      So many people on here lurk on threads and use download links but never even say thank you and it's messed up :vacuum: I love seeing your content and I hope you keep it coming for us!

    3. Kesha Slays

      Kesha Slays

      @Leaving I wish more people here would show their appreciate definitely, but it's not a necessity I guess. But, I always try to show my appreciation cause that's just how I was raised and it's polite manners. Plus I think everyone deserves to be shown some appreciation for their generosity every now and then. They don't have to share leaks or post updates on releases, but they do. People are here taking time out of their day to post and I don't think we should be taking that for granted.

      So with that all said, thank you so much! You just really made my day! I hope to share more content this year than I did in the past few years. I'm trying to give something back to the community after years of being fed such iconic leaks. I pray I can at least make someone happy with whatever it is I share here! Sorry for this essay length reply lmao 😂

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Kesha Slays I agree with you sis! Sadly a lot of people on here are messy traders and just want to download leaks without any actual discussion :vacuum: Just ignore them all and focus on the nice people here! There's lots around even if we're sometimes outnumbered by the messes :cackle: 

  24. I'm all for new music and stuff, I just don't like being toyed with ya' know? I am however very excited to listen to The End of an Era! I can't believe nobody told me that Iggy Azalea was back releasing new music!
  25. Kind of unrelated, but not entirely as it does have to do with Iggy Azalea, but I swear I remember hearing back in like late 2018/maybe early 2019, Iggy literally said she was going to "retire" so she could focus on raising her son and because she felt like music wasn't bringing her much joy anymore and how she was disappointed that nobody had wanted to collaborate with her for her final album which at the time was "In My Defense", although she did later end up having a few collaborations on the album. I think she wanted more female collaborations though. Then in late 2021 I saw that she performed at a concert and how the fans helped her find her love to perform again. I didn't know she released new music since "In My Defense" so, I am a bit shocked to see this here. Interesting. I'm pretty sure Nicki Minaj did the same thing too. I remember hearing she was going to retire, but not even a couple months later she was talking about releasing new music. I don't get it.
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