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Kesha Slays

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Kesha Slays last won the day on March 10

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About Kesha Slays

  • Birthday 12/14/1998

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  1. I thought I was sharing some decent content, but from the lack of interaction I feel like maybe nobody here cares. Should I stop? I mean I don't care if you don't react to it or something, I'm not looking for attention, it'd just be nice to know if I'm wasting my time posting it here. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      So many people on here lurk on threads and use download links but never even say thank you and it's messed up :vacuum: I love seeing your content and I hope you keep it coming for us!

    3. Kesha Slays

      Kesha Slays

      @Leaving I wish more people here would show their appreciate definitely, but it's not a necessity I guess. But, I always try to show my appreciation cause that's just how I was raised and it's polite manners. Plus I think everyone deserves to be shown some appreciation for their generosity every now and then. They don't have to share leaks or post updates on releases, but they do. People are here taking time out of their day to post and I don't think we should be taking that for granted.

      So with that all said, thank you so much! You just really made my day! I hope to share more content this year than I did in the past few years. I'm trying to give something back to the community after years of being fed such iconic leaks. I pray I can at least make someone happy with whatever it is I share here! Sorry for this essay length reply lmao 😂

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Kesha Slays I agree with you sis! Sadly a lot of people on here are messy traders and just want to download leaks without any actual discussion :vacuum: Just ignore them all and focus on the nice people here! There's lots around even if we're sometimes outnumbered by the messes :cackle: 

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