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Everything posted by Cypher

  1. Why does Andy Cohen care so much about someone else's business?
  2. I never understood this sentence.
  3. This is why I bought 21 3 years late.
  4. Apparently he's been living with his pastor and going to church regularly. I don't know how I feel about a gospel album coming from Bieber... But this also makes me think of about 100 alter boy jokes.
  5. I know, it was meant to be ironic.
  6. Why the fuck is my name slapped on this article? This is bad press.
  7. I didn't grow up with toys.
  8. Grechin's hand doesn't even look like it's legit on LiLo's knee. That coupled with Tina's reappearing face with slightly photoshopped eyebrows is making me hate this picture.
  9. Let me know when you find where I said "I didn't like it"!
  10. omfg really?
  11. Eh, no shame. I never claimed to know or like the series.
  12. They just want something to drag Ellie through.
  13. I see where she's coming from, but I also disagree. I mean, no one's claiming the music is theirs, they're just listening to it through an app. But again, I do see where she's coming from as well, and as someone who doesn't have a problem selling albums, I'm surprised she's counting her dollars. PS: That photo of her is amazing.
  14. To be fair, she does seem to support gay rights though. I remember back in the early 2000's, she was starring on Charmed and her character had to help a lesbian couple. I feel like in that episode, her personality broke through her character's personality, and you could see she really wanted to help them at all possible. So regardless of the beef she has with the community, it's cool to know that she supports and cares enough to even have these types of criticisms.
  15. I also just realized she's making the same face in both photos. I thought it was the same imaged cropped at first.
  16. She's getting $50-100 a day for doing nothing? That's DEFINITELY enough to get a room at a cheap hotel. Although, applause for Heidi! I'm legit impressed.
  17. I haven't even seen 2 or 3 and I definitely don't remember 1.
  18. omfg I can't believe she did something like this. Isn't this what those slutty girls usually do for commercials that air at 2AM? I wonder how desperate she was for the $$$.
  19. Where the eff is this from??
  20. Nintendo's way of maximizing profits while minimizing work.
  21. I legit had to think about who Tina Fey was. I saw her face and I was like...who is that bitch? Then I realized it's Tina. I am impressed about how they all aged though. Such grace, such beauty.
  22. First Wind Waker HD, now Majora's Mask 3DS. I can't wait for Skyward Sword WiiU2.0!
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