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Everything posted by laiocferreira

  1. That link isn't working for me at all! :'( Would you mind re-uploading somewhere new? Can you try this link? if it doesn't work I'll put on yt later https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6AiKYd9NWJ1Z25YZ21vc1hybmM/view
  2. She posted a little preview of all day everyday on snapchat, here's a [iurl=http://"https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6AiKYd9NWJ1Z25YZ21vc1hybmM/view?usp=sharing"]video[/iurl]
  3. I watched the pilot, and really loved how fun it is. I'll be watching the rest this week
  4. I'm not really into her stuff, but this video looked amazing
  5. Just to list one more song she's talking about: all day everyday If I'm not wrong these are the tracks we know from this era: Too Cool To Dance The Weekend Saving Up My Love Dirty Blonde All Day Everyday Hold Me Now (cover) Gold Get It Back (???)
  6. OMG, I'm so late on this But, HBD Kingpher
  7. I think at least the EP will be out, erteam is starting to really work for her, today The Weekend started to climb on itunes charts #76 on pop chart. I know, it's far from good, but remember that this is her best so far. And looks l ike she got big news to announce soon
  8. Ohh I see, so there's gonna be an EP first, followed by an album? Yeah, and looks like the EP is called Dirty Blond, and this is probably the title of the last track of the ep
  9. I'm sad about the Kelly song not making the cut, that cash could have gotten her through another year in rent. :'( Excited to hear the acoustic versions and the new songs on the EP! Any idea on a release date for it yet? Next month
  10. Jessie insider strikes again! Did "Gold" get cut from the track list? Or is it one of the other two songs? Gold will be on the album, that's what i know
  11. I know, I'm not here much, but let's update some things: The Kelly Clarkson song didn't make the cut. It'll probably be on Eden's album, title not revealed. Tomorrow she'll acoustics versions for TCTD and The Weekend on vevo. The Weekend will be out on feb 17. The EP will have 5 tracks: TCTD, The Weekend, Saving Up My Love and 2 others.
  12. He used to call me AK that stood for anonymous killer
  13. New info: She recorded a cover of a 80's song called "Hold Me Down" for the album. She wrote 3 songs with Tony Kanal and she thinks every single one of them will be on the album. The album will probably be out on spring.
  14. So glad and sad for you at the same time. I mean, I have this guy who is my best friend of all time, and he lives far away from me. We know each other for like 7 years now and we never had a chance to meet. I know that if I meet him one day I'll be so depressed to say goodbye, but I'd do anything to have at leats one hour with him
  15. I really think shell put an ep out. She's startibgnto promote the single now. Ron fair is really excited with the project, so... I guess we'll have something.
  16. I don't know anymore. She talked about an EP a while ago, but when she was at a radio station she just talked about an album
  17. Eden xo, list of songs so far: Too Cool To Dance Gold The Weekend Saving Up My Love/ Saving All My Love
  18. On my birthday YAAAY I didn't like the first one, but I'm really into Alice's stuff
  19. This one is not the official video yet.
  20. Here's a live preview of a new song called Gold http://instagram.com/p/qpBNfim8je/
  21. Penny Dreadful is a new tv show from showtime
  22. Justin showing how basic he can be
  23. Here's a bunch of photos of the BTS of the lyrics video (not sure) of TCTD: https://www.facebook.com/Fannequins/posts/664322566954795
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