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Everything posted by laiocferreira

  1. I need someone to dig up on some old Shut Up Stella stuff, like pictures in the tabloinds, slang off, are you normal, zelda and more
  2. Finally, the EP is being released, according to her, dates coming soon, it might be out before august 20
  3. pretty sure someone posted about her mixtape
  4. Actually she has, she got a 'mixtape' and an EP out, and is doing better than Eden, so...
  5. well, as far as I know, eden and bonnie are helping each other writing tracks, that doesn't mean we'll get a song with both of them, but there's a chance. Even doe I would love to see bonnie in Drips Gold, I dont think it would be fair with Raja
  6. tbh it's probably better for both of them that britney got scrapped. 1 - I dont think it's good for britney to be featured in a pitbull song 2 - Pitbull will probably be promoing it, and we al know that britney is not about that life
  7. She probably changed her plans, makes no sense Stars In Your Heart being the lead single of the album, let's wait and see
  8. Eyes Closed is a Toy Boys song, she also shoot a video for it using the mannequins concept
  9. I love it, but i still think the concept would be cooler for dirty blonde
  10. Eden is only releasing gold, and she wasnt that mad when it leaked at first
  11. and... im shook amazon didnt leaked the artwork or a snippet so far
  12. She teased the song last week on twitter. She says it's based on a true story, it involves the life of her mother, and they dont have a good releationship, it's mid tempo, she discribes the souns as hypinotic synths
  13. you're wrong, they have one more album as DA, then they are going to make a movie, and work on solo projects.
  16. Me, a jock? Fat like this? No way hahaha ps: sorry being mia, life is a mess
  17. I think she gave up thisnidea to make a video for every song. Recently she and Angelica cob are not working together
  18. All day everyday Side FX Saving up my love Heaven is real Phoenix Cut to mental (not sure if this is the name)
  19. Other songs she wrote: And she just got permition to release 3 songs
  20. She helped with the English version. There's like 3 other songs she wrote for others, I'll post them later (all suck, I guess cause the artists are really bad). And I am almost giving up on her, bitch is taking too long to release new stuff.
  21. Dennis, I know she's a flop, but do you have any Eden xo?
  22. Happy birthday, man. Wish ylu have a great day. Sorry I suck at this, just know that I like you alot

    1. Cypher


      Thank you!! <3 

  23. Amazing, thanks
  24. Is there any chance of doing a cover for eden xo- Dirty Blonde?
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