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Everything posted by laiocferreira

  1. Wait. Do you have heaven is real? DYINGGGGG
  2. Nops, at least i'm not aware of it. I meant that people are trading those
  3. And the demo of Gold songs i know people already have: Heaven is Real Color Me in Ice Cream Cuddle Andy Warhol (Metrosexual) Boys with British Accents
  4. as far as I know, some people had this. not leaked til a few days ago
  5. so... someone leaked I Came to Dance https://www92.zippyshare.com/v/x315yAM0/file.html
  6. hahaha that would be cool, like at least some of the tracks we know that exists and she's really proud of
  7. I few like she's kinda afraind of doing this and getting sued
  8. And... why would do that? makes no sense to me. Also, the next single is coming in feb
  9. She released a mash-up called "Dirty Blondie" on her soundcloud
  10. only old song she's putting on the album
  11. never heard of bad man tbh
  12. She's focusing on the UK now. My best friend met her a few weeks before, she shared a bunch of stuff with him. If i didnt understand wrong, shes dropping 3 eps with 8 songs each, and it'd become an album. What doesnt make sense to me: an album with 24 tracks?
  13. After 3 years she's releasing Dirty Blonde (the song and video) on Dec 14th. Looks like we're getting a song per month till feb, then a 8 songs EP (5 new songs), and the 2 more EPs still next year.
  14. Looks like this song is for a british tv show
  15. Well... she just had a bunch of meetings/sessions on UK and Sweden, let's wait and see
  16. no, i just wanted to end the fan account I have, and she got mad
  17. END OF AN ERA: So, me and Eden are not getting well, and that means we're probably not going to get exclusive news in a while
  18. If I'm not wrong, she once said that she doesn't have the file anymore
  19. Nope, I had it fow a while now, and I decided to share it. Still got one more for you guys, soon
  20. You guys can thank me later
  21. shes trying to put and album out this year, by herself
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