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dexstar last won the day on December 3 2019

dexstar had the most liked content!

About dexstar

  • Birthday December 12

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dexstar's Achievements

Underground Artist

Underground Artist (3/7)



  1. i like these than the original.
  2. guys if you have them please please please share them. here in the philippines ne-yo is an icon. like seriously people might say kanye west is more famous then him more rich than him but i don't hear drunk people being emotional on his trash he calls music unlike ne-yo drunk people here cry with his songs my mother even is a fan of him. some kids here grew up listening to ne-yo they maybe depressed now but at least none of them are as dumb as kanye west's fans. and to me he's that special artist that will have a space to my heart HAHAHHAH
  3. i think it's not him there's not even a single adlib in there that i like in him, i think it is sam smith's version only it is pitched to sound like zayn or something.
  4. can someone send the snippet to me? i cant listen to it.
  5. it's not a demo. and that is the answer AHHAHA thanks for it btw.
  6. post it please.
  7. i like it but its the file is so big for an album HAHAHAH i thought it was a video can you upload it with lower file size?
  8. omg this is so good! btw where do you edit this?
  9. just wait for a few days i'm gonna compile it.
  10. that shit is wicked like seriously who made that shit?
  11. Want some erotic manga? i got some too.
  12. i'm Friends w/ Mazjojo main creator of full service. he said it may come out late this year or early next year.
  13. Coming out on top is hot, Bacchikoi is good it's just too long dream daddy does not have nudity.
  14. (Eroge games) (i've been waiting for so long for someone who will ask this so i can share my knowledge about these things HAHAHAHAHAHA) No Thank you https://igg-games.com/no-102515076-thank-free-download.html Seiyuu Danshi https://igg-games.com/seiyuu-danshi-free-521425657-download.html SHOTAxMONSTERS https://igg-games.com/shotaxmonsters-952519847-free-download.html DRAMAtical Murder Re:Connect https://igg-games.com/dramatical-murder-326623170-reconnect-free-download.html Lets Meat Adam https://soulsoftea.itch.io/lets-meat-adam To Trust an Incubus https://ypressgames.itch.io/ttai Straight!? https://aarynreese.itch.io/straight the tearoom https://radiatoryang.itch.io/the-tearoom radiator 2: anniversary edition https://radiatoryang.itch.io/radiator2 Hurt Me Plenty https://radiatoryang.itch.io/hurt-me-plenty Personal Trainer: Darnel https://mrsatyr54.itch.io/personal-trainer-darnel Bastard Bonds https://igg-games.com/bastard-bonds-814111490-free-download.html Dream Daddy https://igg-games.com/dream-daddy-dad-dating-simulator-free-307917449-download.html Strange Flesh http://greatestbear.com/strangeflesh.html (i'll update this list again cuz i forgot some HAHAHAHAH)
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