@RedBloodedWoman you idiot, you can't read ? This thread is only for archive purpose, mainly to facilitate the work of the police in the future. Not here for blabla. Once again, you are off topic.
Have fun in Peru/Argentina, i'm out here living my best life live having lunch with Kylie Minogue and Michael Jackson, writing and recording wonderful music with Britney and Tupac
Before the mass shooting and Red making the headlines, i thought it would be cool to repost some Redbloodedwoman's posts in this thread to facilitate the work of the police in the future.
Didn't know what to think few days ago but BOZ didn't showed signs of life since few days : twitter account taking down, not connected on atrl, discord and so on. I don't know if he got arrested but at least something has happened.
Not BOZ or anyone from phf.
Speaking of her, where is she ?
Bonnie McKee - Chasing Ghost (2010 Produced by Alex Da Kid)
Take a Picture (2010, final version. she removed the pre-chorus)
I Dare You (2010, Alternate Mix)
Last Call Lover (Early Mix, Produced and Co-written by Greg Kurstin and Mark Foster)