Her shelved second album "Sexysexobsessive" was so promising, she had topics in there which are hot topics nowadays, like woman liberation, self-identity awareness, pleasure... she even had a song called "Into My Bed " which talked about how a prostitute lives her everyday life. Other songs which were never leaked were: "Pieces ", "Cry " and "I See You ".
"Who I Am " and "Sexysexobsessive " still sound so fresh today, really ahead of its time. Wish we could hear the whole album but she doesn't seem to care for her fans. She has the album ever since 2006 and still did nothing for it. Some fans request it to her from time to time but she never replied back. A "like" is the best she does. Maybe we could try and do it at once, but even then I doubt she will let us hear the album which doesn't make sense, if you ask me.