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BlueBalls last won the day on December 20 2019

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About BlueBalls

  • Birthday 03/14/1986

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  1. She has them ready, produced by her and maybe some friends. I don't get why she doesn't release it on iTunes at least, unless she wants to take the project again and release it in the future which I really really doubt.
  2. Honestly she has so much talent but she wastes it so much with so many bad songs. Utopia was not up to her standards, not even with the full album. All her eras except some songs were pretty awful and Shadow Works has like 6 good songs and then fillers. Her BEST looking era was Roots and it's the only one we almost have no leaked songs from, lol at the irony. I was so looking forward to that one, It felt unique with a little fantasy touch on it. I honestly think she sounds way better in Feral Hearts or Something Beautiful than on Happy Pills, Bubblegum or those crappy songs. She then takes so damn long between eras is frustrating to follow her. She could leak Roots for her fans while we wait, since that project belongs to her but she won't ever do It.
  3. About time! I know this will be album of the year for me. I trust her. She is mad talented. And the visuals will be stunning too. She is queen of visuals and queen of the forest:
  4. Sorry not sorry. That was awesome to read. I knew about I.Nimene and WoMC. What amazing album titles, especially the first one. I always wanted that one to release/leak. I didn't know "Army of Angels" was to be included in a second rock follow-up album. It sure sounded a little more rockier than other leaked tracks that were leaking, but also didn't sound too "rocky" enough. To be honest is the most fitting sound to her voice. Electro-experimental music also works well on her (like "Worlds Apart"). I got it wrong then, I thought it was to be included on I.Nimene. still it seems it wasn't supposed to be on that album either, lol. Few months back she said some singles from 2016 would be included on the album but not every single one of them. But if she said that recently it might not happen. I don't care to be honest, I even prefer it that way. I consider this to be her third album, since it will be the third one being officially out. The rest just transitioning albums. We don't even know if all those leaked tracks would have ended up being on the official tracklisting anyway. Some might have, some others might have been just demos for them.
  5. I love Kerli. She is about to release her new album soon, since she did the photoshoot last month. I paid for the album on pledgemusic back then, so long back I don't even remember. Also, wasn't "Army of Angels" supposed to be on "Weapons of Mass Creation" as well?
  6. She better release an album in 2019 or I'm done with her, honestly. The album that I wish would leak is Willa Ford's Sexysexobsessive, but I gave hope in 2006 basically. She doesn't care for her fans I guess, there's no point in owning an unreleased album and let it be forgotten in her own shelves.
  7. From 2016-2018? I wanna know how her sound sounds right now and what can we expect of her still supposed debut album. I have no clue in what she is working lately.
  8. "Galaxies" is the best one of all the tracks I didn' had. I can't believe she didn't used it as a single. She is supposed to still be working on the album, but it's been so long that I'm losing hope. Her major label really handled her badly. She used to release way more material when she was on her own.
  9. Wow, thank you so much for this. I have loved this chick's music ever since 2011 but she is taking forever with her debut album... the first three EP's were pretty great.
  10. They screwed her entire career. Maybe if she represents Australia in Eurovision she might have another chance with her own original material, but Sony just pushes her as their new cover artist, which is pretty irritating considering how talented she is. They took forever to release her the album, they should have done it right when she was in the spotlight, just after "Soldier" was out. Anyway, I still hope she goes big somehow...
  11. Her shelved second album "Sexysexobsessive" was so promising, she had topics in there which are hot topics nowadays, like woman liberation, self-identity awareness, pleasure... she even had a song called "Into My Bed " which talked about how a prostitute lives her everyday life. Other songs which were never leaked were: "Pieces ", "Cry " and "I See You ". "Who I Am " and "Sexysexobsessive " still sound so fresh today, really ahead of its time. Wish we could hear the whole album but she doesn't seem to care for her fans. She has the album ever since 2006 and still did nothing for it. Some fans request it to her from time to time but she never replied back. A "like" is the best she does. Maybe we could try and do it at once, but even then I doubt she will let us hear the album which doesn't make sense, if you ask me.
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