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Everything posted by condragulations

  1. Shame she's quit music now, only songwriting. Hope she does a Sia and returns in a couple of years when there's less pressure.
  2. well done for staying in the loop
  3. I doubt anyones gonna be pissed off now you can all cross them off your lists since everyone already has em. Beautifully Numb http://instagrandaddy.tumblr.com/post/144445542864/ellie-goulding-beautifully-numb Kingdom http://instagrandaddy.tumblr.com/post/144445574329/ellie-goulding-kingdom Starlight http://instagrandaddy.tumblr.com/post/144445599114/ellie-goulding-starlight
  4. Can't believe I only have 14 posts on this forum :cypher:

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