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Remove last won the day on October 6 2018

Remove had the most liked content!


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Underground Artist

Underground Artist (3/7)



  1. @Whoknowsmehere : Skinny Legend is not alone, we also have @Crywolf to moderate. But i don't want other moderators, Skinny Legend is enough. I don't want to have the feeling to be surrended by police everywhere.
  2. Ban people when they scam or still money. They are too much scammers on PHF now. Awful.
  3. Catching Feelings leaked on Xj chatbox https://picosong.com/wVgt6/
  4. You have to update the list, a lot of songs are leaked.
  5. funny
  6. great job
  7. i didnt understand anything lol
  8. some of your covers are great
  9. and i also love this one
  10. amazing !
  11. Well, your link doesn't work
  12. Thankkk!
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