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Everything posted by Space

  1. !!! I just got her promo text and was like eeeeee
  2. "Jenny" never really clicked for me until now—I looove the new version and the visuals are immaculate.
  3. ope wasn't expecting 1:21
  4. the single art is so good alskjdalskjdalkjd and it sounds so good 😭
  5. imagine how much easier it’s going to be to spread the gospel of Bonnie now that all of these masterpieces will be on streaming 😭😭😭😭😭
  6. do you know which songs might be included? like "just a kiss" and "soundtrack to the end"?
  7. aww very sweet message ❤️
  8. omg the tears I will cry if this happens
  9. has part of "sick" leaked before? it sounds familiar to me but I might just be confusing it with a different Bonnie song.
  10. all I can say is that if she does release something, her dumb boyfriend better promote it on instagram!!
  11. yeah new, old, whatever--I just wish she'd put something out. alas.
  12. !! exciting. I love “heart wants what it wants”
  13. I'm glad she's at least writing more with other people again! I hope she did more songs with Bebe.
  14. new Bonnie co-writes: All Time Low - "The Other Side" Tessa Violet - "You Are Not My Friend"
  15. "tanlines" is so good 💃 💃💃
  16. thank you king
  17. I guess I admire your optimism, but there's a reason why so many OG Bonnie stans don't share it.
  18. exactly! I mean, I knew the people in this thread would get it
  19. interview was really interesting. it seems like she doesn't quite understand how devoted her fanbase is—which I totally get, but it makes me sad. I want her to know how much her fans adore her. we're all (justifiably) frustrated and upset with the teasing and empty promises—but we love her and we're all dying to hear her music. and for me, that's never going to change, no matter how frustrated I get lol
  20. last-minute legal problems huh? lol so predictable
  21. I heard it could take months or even years to bounce back from a glue injury
  22. I had a dream last night that I saw Bonnie in a bar and when I asked if she would take a picture with me she said "nah, I've already taken a couple pics today" and walked away 💀
  23. we are only 3 weeks away from mid-August so the lie detector determined that was a lie I wish she didn't hate us so much!
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