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Everything posted by MissDarla

  1. Cat made me realize I'm a girl. Queen of trans
  2. Wow! This is great
  3. I like Havana but this is hilarious
  4. Xtina - I Hate Boys
  5. It would have! What are your favorite songs? Little Dreamer, I Hate Boys, Woohoo, and My Girls are mine, but I love the whole album!
  6. It is a bop
  7. This was my favorite 2017 movie. Did you see it and like it?
  8. Xtina - Bionic, the whole album
  9. I'm half and half. I'm learning to ignore the gp opinion and listen to what I want but I still like a lot of popular songs
  10. I started listening to them more last year and I love them so much!
  11. Wow I didn't know these leaked
  12. Only a few more days
  14. Selena - Stained Lana - 1949 Gaga - I Wanna Be With You
  15. So many songs I hope they all leak one day
  16. Government Hooker, and Dance In The Dark by Lady Gaga
  17. Oh wow I kind of forgot about her Chapter One was a good album!
  18. Wow this is so scary and sad I'm glad it didn't end badly
  19. Breakfast pizza with extra bacon
  20. Sam and Cat was my favorite show, so Cat
  21. MissDarla


    Altered Carbon, and Sense8
  22. I hope Lily Allen puts out a great album again. She was my first fav
  23. I'm so hype for this!
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