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Music Xclusive

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Everything posted by Music Xclusive

  1. Yass me too We need the remaining of that list to leak.
  2. Are we getting some leaks for Easter?
  3. Wasn't this the version that was performed live?
  4. Glad you're okay 👍 ❤
  5. More leaks.. We need Demolition Man and Lie Detector next.
  6. Share a zip all of the rem3 songs from the list.
  7. 8We need these to leak: Blow Ur Mind - sounds like a voice memo, the file is titled "flo rida blow ur mind" Cory pop idea Bonnie 2.0 - kind of a cute song, upbeat Chasing Ghosts - LQ 2010 slower song but not a ballad Daylight - kind of a dance song Deadmau5 song (Bonnie Mix 1) - EDM bop kinda like Afroki Demolition Man! - upbeat kinda good Finish Line - a highly requested song that remains unleaked Go Getter - upbeat kind of a bop? title says "bonnie greg - go getter" Heart Attack - it's kind of giving me a military vibe? like kill this love-ish? Heartbeat - upbeat Hit and Run - upbeat giving that victorious soundtrack realness I Like It Hot - sounds like a slow sexy cabaret song, lowkey cute Infatuation - mid tempo kinda has a funk vibe It Gets Better - slower song but not ballad JFK - so i have "JFK+BMcK002" which is serving like gay piano dance track which sounds like a more final? JFKbonnielildemo - this wasn't on the list but it's the very rough demo of the last JFK one Laserbeam - upbeat dance track Looking Glass - i would compare it to lovebird vocal heavy Monday - i have one called "monday song" not sure if it's the same. it's very education connection Never Say Forever - slower song lq On and On - slower song but not a ballad One More Night - edm-ish Party Monster - sounds like something from jersey shore lol Romantic Rage - upbeat guitar heavy mq Rubberband - upbeat Teenage Heart - rock influenced The Breaking Point - upbeat War of the Worlds - "11.20" maybe a date? but no year. upbeat What’s It Gonna Take - kinda of a bop definitely a grower Who Says - upbeat sounds like it would've been pitched to like ava or something I Want You - upbeat Now or Never Ruff Mix_01 - early version, different instrumental & verses, that were taken out on the possible final? this one is a little faster and more upbeat RSVP - giving victorious Rock Angels - N/A Shallow - victorious again Sugar Rush - upbeat Always Summer - a 2008 up-tempo song Lie Detector - it's giving femme fatale sessions No Regrets - 2009 ballad kinda good Once Is Not Enough - 2009 cute little dance track Stars In Your Heart (Extended) - not sure if this one is leaked but theres one with a longer instrumental only outro Take a Picture - "new" 2010 3:30 Take a picture_01 - 4:20 i haven't listened enough to hear the difference Wanna Live - 2009 ballad RIP - upbeat Sayonara (Worktape) - "not miranda's version, personally love this one more" Crazy Boy - file is titled CrazyBoy090216 so im assuming 9/2/16? Up to Me - sounds newer kinda like it would be performed with like bombastic songs?
  8. @Removed Account Is this true?
  9. @account removed do you have this and Wild Card?
  10. @account removed do you have this and Wild Card?
  11. @Bambi101 @account removed
  12. Yes for Femme Fatale
  13. @Bambi101 Add these to the list, I think these were meant for pitching (2010 - 2012): 1. Call My Name (Bonnie McKee, Fraser T. Smith) 2. Faith (Bonnie McKee, Fraser T. Smith) 3. I Don't Need A Valentine (Bonnie McKee, Fraser T. Smith) 4. Wild Thing ( Nate Cyphert; Bonnie McKee; TMS)
  14. Can someone look for the other titles.
  15. Gosh we need her vocals then. Every day we are getting boys after boys.
  16. Can we get Now Or Never in full?
  17. Can someone organize that long list into era/sessions
  18. @account removed Hii. A question, a snippet of Now or Never leaked, from what version is it, demo or final?
  19. A quick reminder that we need "Show Me Your Love" to leak.
  20. Anything on upcoming leaks? @Anyone Who Cares
  21. How does it sound? Uptempo, ballad?
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