8We need these to leak:
Blow Ur Mind - sounds like a voice memo, the file is titled "flo rida blow ur mind"
Cory pop idea Bonnie 2.0 - kind of a cute song, upbeat
Chasing Ghosts - LQ 2010 slower song but not a ballad
Daylight - kind of a dance song
Deadmau5 song (Bonnie Mix 1) - EDM bop kinda like Afroki
Demolition Man! - upbeat kinda good
Finish Line - a highly requested song that remains unleaked
Go Getter - upbeat kind of a bop? title says "bonnie greg - go getter"
Heart Attack - it's kind of giving me a military vibe? like kill this love-ish?
Heartbeat - upbeat
Hit and Run - upbeat giving that victorious soundtrack realness
I Like It Hot - sounds like a slow sexy cabaret song, lowkey cute
Infatuation - mid tempo kinda has a funk vibe
It Gets Better - slower song but not ballad
JFK - so i have "JFK+BMcK002" which is serving like gay piano dance track which sounds like a more final?
JFKbonnielildemo - this wasn't on the list but it's the very rough demo of the last JFK one
Laserbeam - upbeat dance track
Looking Glass - i would compare it to lovebird vocal heavy
Monday - i have one called "monday song" not sure if it's the same. it's very education connection
Never Say Forever - slower song lq
On and On - slower song but not a ballad
One More Night - edm-ish
Party Monster - sounds like something from jersey shore lol
Romantic Rage - upbeat guitar heavy mq
Rubberband - upbeat
Teenage Heart - rock influenced
The Breaking Point - upbeat
War of the Worlds - "11.20" maybe a date? but no year. upbeat
What’s It Gonna Take - kinda of a bop definitely a grower
Who Says - upbeat sounds like it would've been pitched to like ava or something
I Want You - upbeat
Now or Never Ruff Mix_01 - early version, different instrumental & verses, that were taken out on the possible final? this one is a little faster and more upbeat
RSVP - giving victorious
Rock Angels - N/A
Shallow - victorious again
Sugar Rush - upbeat
Always Summer - a 2008 up-tempo song
Lie Detector - it's giving femme fatale sessions
No Regrets - 2009 ballad kinda good
Once Is Not Enough - 2009 cute little dance track
Stars In Your Heart (Extended) - not sure if this one is leaked but theres one with a longer instrumental only outro
Take a Picture - "new" 2010 3:30
Take a picture_01 - 4:20 i haven't listened enough to hear the difference
Wanna Live - 2009 ballad
RIP - upbeat
Sayonara (Worktape) - "not miranda's version, personally love this one more"
Crazy Boy - file is titled CrazyBoy090216 so im assuming 9/2/16?
Up to Me - sounds newer kinda like it would be performed with like bombastic songs?