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Everything posted by Celebration09

  1. Does anyone still have the remastered zip and if so please could they post it?
  2. She deserves so much more success she knows how to craft bangers.
  3. Does anyone have the Cher version of Toxic by Britney it was on YouTube and was perfectly / scarily close to her voice. It's been taken down on YouTube.
  4. We have had a lot of leaks over the years as Madonna fans. It's literally the 80's demos, some from the 90's and a few from the 00's left and sadly they won't leak. I wish I was one of the blessed few who would be accepted into their trading circles as id be willing to pay for them and keep them locked up no lie.
  5. Thank You and Merry Christmas.
  6. Please does anyone have the songs from these sessions? Just heard Rewind Your Heart literal banger.
  7. Eva Simons - Make Love To The World
  8. I hate the fact that people jumped ship over believing Katy was the wrong person in this fight. Im certain that was one of the reasons why Witness underperformed. Im not being funny but Taylor is hardly an angel tbh.
  9. This will never leak but if anyone knows of someone who has the studio version. Please holler at them the song sounds incredible.
  10. I believe her tbh. Shania Twain has never in my knowledge been against groups and minoroties.
  11. Favourite Spice Girl - Mel C / Geri Favourite Song - Say You’ll Be There B-Side I never paid attention to B-Sides only because I was hot on the singles I will have a listen tonight. Fingers crossed they are getting back together love to see them on tour.
  12. Chills a beautiful song.
  13. Iggy Azalea - Beg For It Gwen Stefani - Naughty ;p
  14. Im all in for this. You get one I get one everyone gets one.
  15. Thank You.
  16. See I think this album is one of her best tbh. Im pissed that this didnt perform well.
  17. It would work so well! "You Get The Best Of Both Worlds" "My Neck My Back Lick My Pussy & My Crack"
  18. I believe he created the entire playboy trademark. Magazines, porn and bunny girls.
  19. Now all we need is Khia on this and it will be perfect for the Urban Market. :')
  20. Its very similiar but it could of been the producer not Katy that was aware about it. Regardless I love the song.
  21. I definitely think Mustang should of made the album. Doctor is okay but its like you said they probably never made it because they are all to similiar.
  22. Throw in a rap from a rent a rapper to!
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