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Everything posted by MissPilatesBody

  1. Would you mind sharing links to your remasters again? I missed them before and would love to replace my OG files with yours. Thanks 💕
  2. I’m ready for the final versions to leak so I can burn a CD and close the door on this god forsaken chapter. Cut, print, moving on. Let’s not delude ourselves into thinking Bonnie will ever release this material. The definition of insanity, etc etc…
  3. TYSM for this!! I actually meant to say Trash Television, not Hey Alligator. 💀 Two of my favorite Bonnie ballads. My Trash Television file sounds really LQ. But I love this remastered Hey Alligator 💗
  4. I’m so overwhelmed trying to catch up with all these leaks, do we have a new/HQ version of Hey Alligator yet? Or still just the really LQ demo.
  5. Did her demo for Paris Hilton’s Screwed ever leak?
  6. Huh, these weren’t in any of my Bonnie collections. Resurrection slaps.
  7. New Bonnie? Dressed to Kill https://dbree.org/v/e4ac82 Ferocious https://dbree.org/v/75961e Resurrection https://dbree.org/v/4982f0 Lookin 4 Trouble https://dbree.org/v/8061e4 Edit: old Bonnie. Had no idea these existed, flop fan!
  8. Agreed, I’m not convinced it’s legit.
  9. Classic Bonnie.
  10. Thatttt… makes sense! Haha. You can tell the girl singing tried to copy Bonnie’s voice/inflections. The Sia effect. What a waste dumping it on a soundtrack for a kid’s movie, which it’s not suitable for. Red light dance and Tarantino? Ok.
  11. Yes, thank you everyone. It’s been so fun keeping up with the leaks and discovering all these amazing songs for the first time. All the “what if’s.” After hearing most of the Epic album, I personally think it makes a much better sequel to Teenage Dream than Prism. It’s such a bummer Bonnie never had her day in the sun with this masterpiece. Also, does anyone know if Don’t Get Mad, Get Famous was unfinished? The second verse is identical to the first, which is usually indicative of a work in progress. Still a huge bop regardless.
  12. Oh shit it was included in my Bonnie folder with tons of other stuff! What a bummer. Is it the same song, or something totally unrelated to Bonnie? It sounds so her, down to the Quentin Tarantino lyric!
  13. Just realized I have this and it hasn’t been posted: Hit Me Up https://onlyfiles.io/f/07596d1df0864625ba91fc5889606345 Edit - Not Bonnie, sorry! I hate Dbree sometimes 😭
  14. An unreleased Ashlee song was recently shared on YouTube: Can’t Stop Me It was scrapped from I Am Me at the last minute and replaced by Dancing Alone. It was discovered on a rare promo CD that also featured a demo version of L.O.V.E. and an explicit edit of Boyfriend.
  15. Thank you so much for these! Her vocals on Come Clean really elevate the song, IMO. Love Hilary but a strong vocalist she is not. She makes the song sound much more juvenile/like it’s for a younger audience, which obviously, it was. Now if Paris’s Screwed demo leaked (or the version originally played on the radio and leaked in LQ), I would really lose my mind.
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