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  1. Guess more is about to come after the Tonight leak … https://dbree.org/v/fc24ce
  2. Thank you!
  3. Alright so it looks like everything with her vocals leaked then! Sorry to ask again, I just can't bear the thought of reorganizing a track listing one last time haha. Would someone be able to confirm if the following is true? Cool & Chill are the same song, correct? Is You're My Everything the same song as He's Everything? Saw the former mentioned on Lanaboards yesterday before He's Everything leaked. I find this really hard to believe, but is there any truth to Addison recording Charli's Come To My Party? Is Crush a song we should keep an eye out for? I saw this mentioned somewhere but can't recall where.
  4. so it continues 🤷‍♂️see ya'll at the next mass leak
  5. So should we consider this it? Outside of You're My Everything/He's Everything, is there anything else to be leaked? Solo versions of All In My Head & Rock? Was Don't You Dare confirmed? Is Cool & Chills the same song?
  6. Rest of the album is here (or so they claim): https://dbree.org/v/e5bab8 I believe this covers the remaining songs we knew about plus a few others? I guess by this Cool & Chills are the same song. Only one I can't track down is "Don't You Dare"? Does that one even exist? EDIT: Pinch Me ends abruptly so I would expect that to still come? Overall these all sound like demos/sketch ideas compared to what we've gotten before.
  7. this is iconic, obsessed with this
  8. What tracklisting are ya'll using?
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