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Everything posted by hounderawr

  1. I don't think about that.
  2. Jennifer looks so much better imo. Mariah looks good for her age, but I've never been a huge fan of hers I do listen to some of her songs but even regardless I like Jennifers overall.
  3. Argh Man, that's hot. Ughhh.
  4. there it is on youtube! I know me too that made me excited! I wonder if there will be a twist like last season
  5. Who watches the real housewives? I watch Beverly Hills and Atlanta, is there any others I should be watching? i Stan Erika Jayne and her music.
  6. Just started watching, found the episodes on a website. I love Brandi don't get me wrong, but is she a bit like Kim Richards now trying to make the most of her fame she had from Real Housewives. Where as Kim Richards is trying to get fame from her acting career 500 years ago.
  7. either we'll catch it or become nuns. I do enjoy giving head though! we could be nuns like her
  8. Agree. It's a good edit though
  9. oooh yessss. god I gotta learn to find better gifs.
  10. Hahahaha, it is! Polish on my Dads side, English on my Mums
  11. Both! But I preferred the first, just Tomb Raider.
  12. I know he is! I should follow you both too. I'm @hounderawr on there too.
  13. hahahahahaha, I know I was just thinking that myself lmfao. the 2nd one is oooold. just get over the fugly-ness
  14. heres my presence the second one is ancient but eh.
  15. @TheUngaggableWonder you are really good looking! I love that last photo of you. I'm trying to find a good photo of me, I'll edit this post with a photo when I find one
  16. Oooh, do so!
  17. haha, I dunno not like that.. less muscular? lol god now I don't want to actually post myself against everyone here I'll be like the fugly one.
  18. oooh I just googled, Colton Haynes is going to be in this season. Kathy Bates isn't going to be in this season, she's amazing. Quoted from here
  19. I wonder who's confirmed for this new series. Be kinda awesome to see Emma Roberts return in this new season.
  20. This is probably the wrong thread to post this in, but @Tweener you're different then what I thought you'd look like. You're totally hot. I almost put this in post your nudes thread. Obvi this is me:
  21. She actually has some alright songs, I love her superficial song.
  22. Ugh, I love both they're songs. I couldn't choose a side. Although if Pink chooses Taylor, I'd choose Taylor cos she's pretty awesome
  23. Hahaha, it's all good. I saw this topic and was like did Britney reallllly! I didn't know she did, I'm a biiiig Britney stan.
  24. What'd she write? This is coming from Britney herself, she's amazing and love her cos she wrote that, she's such an amazing person. Living for her. Totally proud I'm gay.
  25. Ooh, I love tomb raider! I love playing on console though and they haven't remade the older ones for PS4 or Xbox so maybe I should just get them for computer. I know they're making a new movie which I'm excited about, although Angelina Jolie isn't in it she was a really good Tomb Raider and did all of her own stunts. I didn't know they were making a new game though! I just finished the last a few weeks ago for the 2nd time, I forgot the name but the one with all the camp sites (I don't like that!)
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