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Everything posted by hounderawr

  1. They should have ended it once the whole story about Cece came out, and not 5 years later.
  2. I've been watching it, I know it's stupid and I probably shouldn't but it's very addicting. Some of the stuff they do, they could take photos of and do a normal thing by actually looking I guess if they did that then it wouldn't make the show cos they'd actually have proof haha. Just addicting to see what happens next, just found out Toby is "a" and Spencer is in hospital.
  3. Really? So you actually see her during the season but don't actually notice until the end? I didn't see what she looked like. Hahaha, Yeah I know. I'm just like, I wana know what happens next, although I think Mona was the best A. Jenna can see now and is pretending she's blind, and now she's also running into people ?
  4. So she does have a twin? That's who the girl is throughout the series? Ugh I know, I started watching it the other day, I'm now on Season 3. Mona just got unveiled as "a" and I think Lucas is the next one. Which series does Allison come back in? It's more addicting watching the show, the show essentially repeats herself over and over but it's addicting.
  5. Love love love this show, bought every season on DVD 5-6 years ago! Finally have a release date for the new season, September 28th! Soo bloody excited, it looks quite good too, like all they've done is updated things but they haven't changed which is what normally makes these kinds of things flop but I think this will be quite good
  6. Sounds hot actually. I like one on one, but you know like 10 is hot tho.
  7. Nooo, I love her don't get me wrong but only a few songs on her latest album are hits at best.
  8. Ooh he's cute, yeah I'd let him do me.
  9. Who's Messi?
  10. Hahaha, what do you think? I don't think that either, but I think it'd be too inappropriate to write what I think. Roffle.
  11. I've been really into 3 strikes - Terror Jr
  12. Why? What'd he do? I agree though all those albums were perfection.
  13. Um, one more then the other... But I do like David Beckham see look how nice of a person he is.. and his bulge.. I wonder if he's leaked nudes. I'd let him do me anyway.
  14. Does anyone here use reddit? I've been getting into it more and more, what're some of your favourite sub-reddits? I'm looking for ones to follow. I did find some good gay ones tho.
  15. This actually doesn't look bad, I'm excited to see it. Im not normally a documentary person either, unless its someone I'm interested in (like David Beckhams thing)
  16. That's upsetting, maybe you should talk to her and say it's dropping too low? Maybe your on too high of a dose? I get the panic attack happening, when I first started taking medications I thought they'd clash with each other, I had a small operation done and I was on strong pain killers for a few days and I was taking Xanax at the time actually and I thought they'd interact and make my heart stop or something of course my Mum reassured me, and then once it kicked in I felt like I was floating so that helped with the whole situation but I do get that! I'm on Zoloft too, I'm on 200mg per day though (It's an insane amount) I'm not sure what a GERD is. It does take a while did you just start taking Zoloft? I got told it takes about a month when I started taking it and I got super tired when I started it, but I'm fine now it does work though! Shame nothing for immediate relief, but it does lower your blood pressure so maybe thats why as you are already having blood pressure issues? I'm sorry if you ever need to chat I'm here Sucks you're going through it though, it'll get better I promise.
  17. Nooo, I totally get it. Seriously, I've been there and back and there again, but I do have to say it makes me know how to deal with it all much better. For now I seem to be ok, I could be posting on here in a few weeks time how bad I have it. Sometimes it just pisses me off, cos I was at lunch with my brother, his girlfriend and my aunt who came down from Bathurst (about a 2 hour drive) and we had lunch and I had to get out of there cos I started to get anxiety, thankfully they all understood and my aunt was lovely she's sort of taken on a "mother" role, since my actual Mum isn't around anymore so it's nice to have her to get advice and to talk too, we talk almost everyday.
  18. Ugh I love don't be tardy! Kim is so real, like yeah she's got money but she just acts normal like she doesn't try to act posh or whatever. I love when she's screaming "don't this isn't my real hair", don't touch a weave bitch. RHONJ looks amazing too. someone was engaged 19 times, seriously?!
  19. Oh I had the same thing! I've had a period where I felt like I couldn't leave the house cos it'd just bring on a panic attack, and the tiniest bit of issues would make me anxious. I remember actually, I was getting my first iPhone (or an updated one..) and I had to go into a shopping centre and I just remember feeling terrible but I pushed myself cos I knew once I was done I'd have a new phone! Things like that help me too (even if it's not a phone just something simple, I just distinctly remember that experience cos that was when I learnt I could do it). I do carry Valium with me, I don't always use it though but I do carry it when I go out and leave it in the car or whatever. Its doable, sometimes you may need to push yourself, sometimes you can't and you crash down and have to chill out and come down from it - like just escape from whatever your doing and go to your "safe place" (mines at my house or either of my brothers - I live alone now) and just chill and watch telly, yours may be music, playing games or something different! Just remember we'll have our good and bad times, even when we're on a good run we'll have a bad time and the opposite.
  20. aw I hope you feel better it's all good I know how it is sometimes you just need to totally chill..why is your bp going low?
  21. aw that's so sweet. You're one of mine too! I'm getting there everyday, everyday I work on it! I'm working on exercising everyday now it helps! That and I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 3 weeks ago Aw, I used to do that actually! I used to get frustrated the same way, now im like yeah I'm not sleeping so I'll grab my laptop or just get out of bed and go play games (get those levels up!) Yeah, that did it's sorted now my Mum made sure of that she abused them. Yeah, and I'm better for it although sometimes when I get bad panic attacks I'll think like I'll collapse or fit again but I gotta talk myself out of that shit cos I know it won't happen. Yeah, I was devastated when my mum passed and I essentially was the one to organise her funeral. My brothers helped but I did majority of the work, turned out beautiful but of course I'd give up everything to have her back, miss her so much. I didn't have anxiety or anything while I was fixing my mums funeral or during, it hit me the day after! Oh yeah I know, whats GERD? You should look into doing like, mediation and things I know it sounds stupid but it does help even just in a relaxing environment. I had to go to the Drs last week, and I got soo much anxiety I had to tell the doctor I was severely anxious ect and he understood and told me my blood pressure was good (he actually prescribed me blood pressure pills but apparently they work with anxiety too, I don't like taking them though and they're more "as needed") but my heart rate was high (obviously) and he said that was a good thing cos you can't collapse with a high blood pressure/heartrate. I've had EKG's and things done to me in the past, even ambulances called I've been exactly where you are now you'll get through it, I promise you. Oh yeah, it's sooo hard to convince yourself when you're like that I agree it's doable but it takes a lot of bloody energy and just calming down, why don't you ask your doctor is there other alternatives to those BP meds? Like a Beta Blocker? That helps stop the physical symptoms of a panic attack which can help with the mental part. It sounds like you need some relief, I'm on Valium and Zoloft they both help me so much combined but I'm slowly coming off the valium cos I need to sort of learn to deal with it, without using medication so maybe thats what the doctors are tying to do with you? The doctors don't like me taking it as I'm "young" (26). I know some of the stuff I mentioned is easier said then done, trust me I know it all! My nan used to help me (she's now passed too), and I used to think just fuck off you don't know what I'm going through but she did and I keep her advice to this day.
  22. Oh I totally agree, I understand people just don't want to put up with life anymore. But life is worth living, regardless of how bad your situation is it it'll change for the better, yeah some shit sucks sometimes and then you run into problems whether it be money, or family or something but it'll always resolve itself somehow and maybe in ways you don't expect. I just wouldn't have the guts to be suicidal, and not only that I love my brothers too much they're like my rocks we've always been close and gone through obstacles together and Dad is alive but isn't in the picture (hasn't been for 20 years) and Mum passed away last year (Who we were all very close with) from health issues and we were each others rocks, we stuck together and went though that too. So sometimes it's good to have a friend to go through things with, makes it easier and less hard on yourself. Even as we were growing up my Mum remarried a horrible man (domestic abuse relationship towards my mum and us), and actually thats how my panic attacks started cos I bottled everything up instead of expressing it but I've learnt to express it slowly, not totally yet but slowly.
  23. oh I know, it's just been like 10 years. I remember the first season LOL. she released a shirt tho. ugh I knowwwww.
  24. Oh, sorry you said The Fame so I just assumed.
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