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Everything posted by hounderawr

  1. I'm not one for scary movies, but if I'm in the right mood I will. I do love the sort of comedy/scary movies, but since it's halloween I thought I'd ask what movies you guys watch and if you have any suggestions? One for me is "Rose Red", I believe it was a TV series or a movie split into 4 parts (it's 2 hours long) and it's quite good they based er, Scary Movie 2 off of it. I watched a movie called The Babysitter the other day, it's a Netflix movie it was a bit stupid but one of those stupid but alright ones that you wana see what happens next, this 12 year old kid managed to kill off 6 grown people (he was protecting himself) and also drove a car through his house.
  2. Oooh, I love that. I kinda wana watch the OG series. This is a trailer, but it has the bitchfight in it. I also found out from this that it's made by a producer from Gossip Girl, which was an awesome show so hopefully this one will be too. Cos didn't one of the O.C producers, produce gossip girl? I remember something like that and that's how I found out about it and ended up binging the entire thing.
  3. I didn't know this was a remake! I love the bitchfight in the first episode of the reboot though. I don't know who Alexis is on that youtube video, is that the first wife? "Who the hell are you doing here?"
  4. me too! I normally stream it on Stan (Australian version of Netflix) but I heard theres some amazing deleted scenes and stuff on there
  5. so do I! love it haha, but friends I only got into a little while back and I bought the box set this year
  6. Aw that's so sad, I'd be heartbroken if I met one of the families. Regardless of the gun laws people were still injured for no good reason other then seeing someone in concert and it's just sad. I hope your friend will be ok I dunno if I could go so close after having something that big happen, but ill keep them in my thoughts & prayers for you!
  7. You kill a weed, more pop up. Just leave it there.
  8. holy shit this show is amazing, by the way ALL that happens in episode 1. I love Fallon, and the brother Steven Carrington but I want Fallon Carrington and Blair Waldorf to be BFFs. I actually stumbled on this by mistake, I was watching the holy grail new episode of Riverdale and then that popped up and started playing, so I watched it. I love the bitch fight Fallon and Crystal (the new Step-Mum) get into. Liiiiiving.
  9. roffle, I can’t stop laughing.
  10. Oh yeah, thats mean no-one should call anyone fat publicly. Unless he said it in private and she said it publicly to her?
  11. ooh that looks so amazing! you can see where they've taken sort of parts of the game, and then parts of original stuff. looks ammmaazing. I was the same I didn't think anyone could fill Angelina's shoes, she just is and always will be Lara tbh although Alicia isn't too bad either. Agree.
  12. oh god no, i loved it. i think moreso cos we share the same name over anything, but i do like me some Penn. although the hottest would be Chase Crawford (Nate) never seen Golden Girls. also Nova (the radio in Syd) posted it on they're website, i'd love to see how true this rumor is cos im living for it if it's true.
  13. Aw You too! here, here i mean my brothers take care of me so im lucky in that way well my middle brother does and my aunt but i live alooooone (aunt lives in bathurst!) i know, im trying to get into the spirit this year, over october already and it's only the 10th technically i hate the horror shit im not here for that i can bearly bring myself to watch a scary movie by myself haha i need people around me. i knowww, im not sure what my plans are but i think im headed to my aunts for christmas she's like my mums non actual twin lol, she's amazing. i don't even have a christmas tree! i have a few decorations (altho i don't mind not having a christmas tree cos i can't be bothered pulling it down after)
  14. does it really matter? I mean I get that it's annoying ect but shit happens that email could be just an account they use to store music on.
  15. Yeah I do, sometimes they slack but when it comes down to it my brothers are good to have around only cos they know it effects me a lot and they’ve both partners to lean on and I’ve got no one. Ohh I hate January, I’m not looking forward to Christmas this year either. I normally do which is so weird like it’s one of my favourite holidays, but I think I’m going to my Aunts this year which will be really nice, last year I just sort of tagged along and felt like a major 3rd wheel with my brother and his girlfriend and her family.
  16. here for a reboot! love gossip girl. I love Dan (same name!)
  17. er, if you don't have any unreleased music why'd you message me to try and trade (not that i did or have anything to trade, but i wouldn't with you even if i did)
  18. RHONJ started up again, did anyone see the new episode?
  19. I dunno the history but it sounds about right, idk why America won't even adjust the rules sliiightly not even as strict as us just adjusting something making sure the person is sane, or something! That gay donate blood rule is so stupid, the whole aids thing is getting better! and just cos people have sex doesn't mean you get aids.
  20. Although this is sad - I didn’t know being gay meant you had to not have sex for a year to donate blood, what exactly can gay people get that straight people can’t? https://hornetapp.com/stories/10877 (yeah don’t judge I like the news on there lol)
  21. I do agree with you on the gun laws, I've never heard in Australia about mass shootings like that over here and it's because guns are much harder to come across, you have to know how to use a gun, have a mental and police check, all these things before they'll even let you purchase a gun which I agree maybe America needs to tighten up the laws against guns as it's sad this keeps happening it happened at the gay club (I forgot where in America) but that was very upsetting and now it's happened again, and it's happened over and over in the past so maybe they shouldn't make guns as easily accessible - I'm not saying we're perfect over here but I've not heard of anything like that happening here. That said, I'm not saying people deserved to be shot ever especially innocent people! But maybe if the laws were tightened things like this wouldn't happen, and then it wouldn't be so upsetting to so many people.
  22. Noo it was great! I think it was more politics cos Donald Trump doesn’t approve of gay people, or marriage or whatever and Will & Grace has always been Gay-forward so I think it’s they’re take on bashing Trump, I couldn’t stop laughing when she opened up the cheetos to match his colouring i think it also goes on from the little skit they did that started this whole thing in the process about who will win the election (since then it’s now been won)
  23. According to TMZ, Khloe Kardashian is pregnant with Tristan Thompson's baby! So she's not being a surrogate for Kim, although there's also rumours floating that Kylie could be Kim's surrogate as Kim is expecting and due to her complications and 2 doctors saying that it would be bad for her to carry a 3rd child, it does sort of match and they're expecting in January around the same time Kylie is due to give birth. Also Khloe says she won't get married until after she has the baby, I'm super happy for her cos I know she's wanted one for a while and Tristan seems to be one of the nicer guys she's dated, Lamar was nice but turned out to be so hard for her she just needs good in her life and positivity.
  24. http://www.tmz.com/2017/09/28/hugh-hefner-burial-site-next-to-marilyn-monroe/ wow, he's being buried right next to Marilyn Monroe the girl who is iconic herself and posed for the first playboy.
  25. I know! I wish they were releasing the whole season at once, I know what I'd be doing this afternoon but for Australians it's on Stan at 3pm! (or places online)
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