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Everything posted by rscky

  1. yeah i added the wallpaper myself and edited the pic myself, also the DL link is up.. hope u like it
  2. updated with the download link and TY GUYS SO MUCH
  3. omg angel bby awee ily, wish u the best boo
  4. OMG HAPPY BIRTHHDAAAY, im new here but WUATB <3  this is such an amazing forum, im so glad to be a part of it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hounderawr


      What does WUATB (I did google nothing came up!)

    3. hounderawr


      Nvm, I figured it out. I dunno how to delete posts on these.


    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @hounderawr It took me a while as well... :cackle: Good thing we got there eventually!

  5. IT'S HERE For the 1st year anniversary of the japan release im making an iTunes LP for it Its only 25% done by now bc i just started making it this morning i actually already had make one before for my personal use but it was so ugly so i decided to make a new one here's the preview of the iTunes LP Home Page : Alternative Version: Songs Page: Photos Page: Credits Page: Discography Page for the Alternative Version: Video Preview the iTunes LP will play a background audio when u open it, the audio wont stop playing unless u start playing the album, play a song from the songs list, go to the full screen mode or close the iTunes LP the Alternative version has the full instrumental version of Invitation why didnt i just share it with u guys bc on the main version i only put a clip of it but ill put a download link to all the version of background audio that i made so u guys can pick whatever u want, all u have to do is just copy the file to the audio folder and replace the file with the same name well... so here we are to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the japan release of glory download link: iTunes LP iTunes LP 2 Background Audio i hope u guys like it and enjoy it xoxo, rscky note: if theres any problem with downloading or adding to ur itunes feel free to message me here or my acc on instagram @femmehooker
  6. try this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7ADpWNSZz-GSzNEWldBS0p5ekk/view?usp=sharing
  7. DO YOU WANNA CUM OVER? CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD i added an ugly intro, removed the ugly guy screaming and edited the vocals and the instrument on the last verse a little bit i was just really bored and made this lol + i tried to upload it on youtube earlier but it got copyrighted smh i made this using the stems and fl studio12, im not a professional music editor or whatever i just do alot of shitty things when im bored i even origanally want to put radar on the link but well... lmao hope u guys like it
  8. i just made these a couple of hours ago
  9. rscky


    the goddess of pop
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