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c0rner5t0ne last won the day on October 30 2021

c0rner5t0ne had the most liked content!


About c0rner5t0ne

  • Birthday 02/18/2002

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c0rner5t0ne's Achievements

One Hit Wonder

One Hit Wonder (4/7)



  1. Taylor Swift - Getaway Car
  2. Taylor Swift - It's Nice To Have A Friend Taylor Swift - Girl At Home (Taylor's Version) Taylor Swift - All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault)
  3. Taylor Swift - Message In A Bottle (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault)
  4. Too Much - Carly Rae Jepsen Exile - Taylor Swift featuring Bon Iver
  5. Love Me or Leave Me - Little Mix Dedicated - Carly Rae Jepsen Dedicated Side B - Carly Rae Jepsen
  6. Touch - Little Mix
  7. thank you so much !! 🥰
  8. thank you so much 💗💗 it means a lot!
  9. awww thank you so much!! 💗
  10. Taylor Swift - Delicate
  11. Confetti (album) - Little Mix
  12. Small Talk - Niall Horan Secret Love Song - Little Mix ft. Jason Derulo
  13. reputation - Taylor Swift Dancing With Our Hands Tied - Taylor Swift Cornelia Street - Taylor Swift
  14. making a new coverart thread cos my old ones (when i was nocloudscontrol) were shitty and cringey cos i made them when i was like 13 ew anyways! here they are: Party for One - Carly Rae Jepsen Just Can't Let Her Go - One Direction
  15. So here's what's poppin' with Little Mix. Apparently seen filming a music video for their lead single (maybe) for LM5, which should be coming out soon! I can see it coming out in October since Shout Out to My Ex was an October release. But... That's not it! They are reportedly teaming up with Nicki Minaj and it is most likely the lead single. This was reported on Capital FM which is one of the main entertainment news sources in the UK so there's that. (Here's the link to that article: https://www.capitalfm.com/artists/little-mix/nicki-minaj-collaboration-new-song/) I believe this is collab is true, Nicki is following the girls on Insta and I don't see any other reason why she would be following them because Little Mix aren't that known, it hurts to say but it is true, so that's my reason. What's everyone else's opinion?? Love it or hate it? Also just found this article, but it says it is confirmed but I don't actually think that any of them confirmed or maybe I haven't done that much research: (https://www.celebsnow.co.uk/celebrity-news/little-mix-and-nicki-minaj-confirm-collaboration-as-fans-go-wild-over-this-video-759093)
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