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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. Yes on all points
  2. LOVE THEM ALL! Simple but official
  3. I mean thinking about J.Lo's career over the past 18 years in music, I could definitely see them going for her strong singles from her eras: Waiting For Tonight (On The 6) Love Don't Cost a Thing (J.Lo) Jenny From the Block (This Is Me..Then) Get Right (Rebirth) On the Floor (Love?) That honestly covers her more successful moments in music, they could throw in maybe Booty from A.K.A. to bring her through her last era, maybe Let's Get Loud or If You Had My Love, I'm Real (Murder Remix) could be thrown in just the same since it was such a successful release for her. Nothing from Brave because that pretty much flopped (sorry).
  4. I would say sucks to suck, but I did actually really enjoy Team and Switch
  5. The B&W Praying cover is beautiful
  6. Y'all I didn't even THINK to think of Carrie, she would be awesome as well! Rihanna would be great as well, she's had enough hits over the past decade to put on a great show; Britney or Christina would be the dream show, with Christina, she needs to get back out there with something big for Pop music to get everyone talking again and with Britney, if she could bring her A game with the energy and moves, I could look past the lip syncing, hell give us pre-recorded vocals for all I care
  7. I was on a random youtube binge and came across Gaga's Superbowl Halftime show from just a few months ago and it got me wondering and I feel like we should have an open discussion on who we'd like to see take the stage. Who do you think should grace us with a flawless performance for 13 minutes that will have us talking? For me personally, I was watching Jennifer Lopez's American Music Award opening performance from a couple years ago and still remain floored, homegirl is a phenomenal dancer and has had some iconic tracks over the last 18 years. Just think about it, I could see her bringing her A game to put on a PERFORMANCE and the only thing that would bother me is how she'd have to be super selective with the songs
  8. YoursTruly


    Veronica Mars Orphan Black Pretty Little Liars Younger American Horror Story Scream
  9. Thank you for the link, idk if I'll download but again thank you
  10. We were honestly never getting answers for much prior to the 6B time jump in the finale, Marlene and them thought they'd gotten away with that from the Cece reveal
  11. Glee Cast - I Lived
  12. LOVE the Victoria cover and the Ashlee one
  13. If they hadn't stretched out the storyline from 3B to 6A and then tried to make it seem like it was the plan all along, it could've been better; like Season 3's A-Team was Mona and Toby, Season 4 dealt with "EzrA", Season 5 was mainly about the possibility of Ali being A leading into the 5A finale and throughout 5B, and then we finally get to 6A for the Charles storyline and it was too much tbh
  14. When you realize it's July and the only album that's been released that you're hooked on is Paramore's After Laughter, everything else I've listened to is either from last year or only singles released this year
  15. Superfruit - Imaginary Parties
  16. Final nail on Digital Distortion's coffin
  17. Steven Universe is definitely my #1 Kim Possible, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory, Spongebob (the older episodes), Rugrats, Hey Arnold! Avatar (Last Airbender & Legend of Korra)
  18. Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Jesse McCartney (It was for Concert for Hope back in like 2009) Jojo in 2011
  19. When I saw the clips of Shea and Sasha, I felt like it was obvious that Sasha would win, something was off with Shea or maybe Sasha is just that passionate in her lip syncs idk
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